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Fatal knife attack: Court imposes life imprisonment

According to a verdict, a 41-year-old man murdered a man in an asylum shelter with a knife. He then seriously injured two women, one of whom lost her unborn child. The question of "why" remains unanswered.

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.

Wiesbaden Regional Court - Fatal knife attack: Court imposes life imprisonment

A 41-year-old man has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Wiesbaden Regional Court following a fatal knife attack in an asylum shelter. On Thursday, the judge also ruled that the man was guilty of a particularly serious crime, which rules out early release. The sentence was handed down for murder, attempted murder and abortion, among other things. It is not yet legally binding.

According to the judge, the accused, who is a Ghanaian citizen, attacked three residents of the accommodation in the Mainz-Kastel district of Wiesbaden with a knife in October 2022. A 35-year-old man was fatally injured, two seriously injured women survived the attack after emergency surgery. One of the women, the wife of the man who was killed, lost her unborn child in the attack, according to the public prosecutor's office. The second seriously injured victim was the 41-year-old's partner at the time.

The convicted man accepted the guilty verdict with his head bowed, holding one hand in front of his face. In her verdict, the judge spoke of an "emotional impact of suffering" that had been triggered by the crime. The defendant was unable or unwilling to answer the question as to why. The evidence against him was "overwhelming".

The convicted man did not live in the asylum accommodation, but he regularly visited his then partner there, with whom he had a child. There had been a good neighborly relationship with the couple, who later became victims of the violence, the judge explained.

On the evening of the crime, the accused had asked the 35-year-old for help with internet problems. Shortly afterwards, he allegedly stabbed his victim's upper body several times with a knife, the judge explained. The motive was unclear. The women were alerted to the attack by screams and were also attacked.

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