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Fascination volcano: What vacationers need to consider

Preparation is vital

Volcanoes fascinate and cast a spell over many adventurers every year - and are a dangerous
Volcanoes fascinate and cast a spell over many adventurers every year - and are a dangerous

Fascination volcano: What vacationers need to consider

Fountains of lava rise, a glowing hot stream flows through the valley. While some people enjoy watching documentaries about volcanic eruptions, others want to see the force of nature up close.

If you want to see an active volcano with your own eyes, you should be well informed about the current situation on site. Otherwise the visit can be very dangerous.

"Always follow the instructions of the local authorities," advises the German Foreign Office in its current safety advice on Iceland. Lava has been pouring through a four-kilometer-long fissure on the Reykjanes peninsula since Monday evening. The eruptions began during the night north of the town of Grindavík.

The Icelandic authorities currently advise against approaching the volcanic area. Holidaymakers can find out about the current situation on the ground from the Icelandic Meteorological Office and at - both in English.

Volcanic eruption adventure

In many regions of the world, over 1500 active volcanoes are a magical attraction for tourists. The Geo Research Center (GFZ) in Potsdam, for example, provides an overview of the regions. Volcanoes are very different - and so are their dangers.

Good preparation is vital for a visit, otherwise it can be very dangerous. "Tourists repeatedly find themselves in life-threatening situations, suffer from frostbite or are injured by falling rocks or lava flows," warns the GFZ.

Time and again, people die because they mistake the force of nature for a tourist attraction - most recently in Sumatra at the beginning of December. More than 20 people died there after the eruption of Marapi.

Tips for volcano visitors

Many tips that apply to mountaineers must also be observed by volcano visitors, writes the GFZ: pay attention to the weather, altitude and climate. Take hiking boots, mountain equipment, sufficient water and a helmet.

In addition, you should never leave the marked trails - because there can be red-hot lava under an apparently solid crust. Hot gases and toxic vapors can also rise. Existing closures and evacuation recommendations should be strictly observed.

It should be clear: volcanoes are "never completely predictable" and "forecasts are always associated with uncertainties", according to the GFZ. So check the information on site critically. You should also hire a local guide. This is vital, especially in regions where the language is unknown to visitors.

Visiting an active volcano - plan your escape route

If you want to visit an active volcano, you should plan your escape route as soon as you arrive, advises the GFZ. For example, turn the car directly in the direction of travel. You should also always have protective clothing and breathing protection to hand.

If steam-driven explosions occur, for example, you should keep an eye on the trajectory of the particles during your escape and, if necessary, change direction accordingly. Large blocks do not offer sufficient protection - "the greatest possible distance from the explosion crater provides the best protection", according to the experts.

For most volcanic hazards, the GFZ recommends "not descending along deep valleys, but along higher sections". This is to avoid exposing yourself to material movements or pyroclastic flows - i.e. pyroclastic flows.

It is important to remain calm and continue to observe the mountain rules. You should also follow the instructions of the mountain rescue service, civil defense, police or fire department.

Read also:

  1. For those planning a vacation that includes a visit to an active volcano, consider the advisories from experts like the Geo Research Center. They recommend hiring a local guide, paying attention to weather conditions, and always adhering to marked trails to avoid dangerous situations.
  2. Volcanic destinations, such as Iceland, are popular among travelers seeking unique experiences. With over 1500 active volcanoes worldwide, visiting one can be a thrilling adventure. However, it's crucial to remember that volcanoes are unpredictable, and vacationers should always follow safety guidelines given by local authorities.
  3. When considering destinations for your next travel, think about the allure of visiting an active volcano, whether in Iceland, Hawaii, or other volcanic islands worldwide. However, remember that having a thorough understanding of the volcano's behavior, the necessary gear, and obedience to safety instructions can transform your adventure into an unforgettable yet safe experience.




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