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Farmers receive support for protests from SPD parliamentary group

SPD member of state parliament Erik Stohn supports the farmers' protest against the planned abolition of tax breaks for agriculture. "The politician for the south of Brandenburg said on Monday: "The plans for cuts will hit rural areas and the east in particular hard.

At the German Farmers' Association demonstration, someone holds up a sign saying "Hands
At the German Farmers' Association demonstration, someone holds up a sign saying "Hands off agricultural diesel".

Federal budget - Farmers receive support for protests from SPD parliamentary group

SPD member of state parliament Erik Stohn supports the farmers' protest against the planned abolition of tax breaks for agriculture. "The plans for cuts will hit rural areas and especially the east hard," the politician for the south of Brandenburg announced on Monday.

Stohn called on the federal government to "explain the existing emergency situation, for which the government itself is not responsible, and to lift the debt brake". Last week, the Brandenburg State Farmers' Association voiced clear criticism of the austerity plans. Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) spoke out in favor of a "balanced budget" in the weekend edition of the "Tagesspiegel". The planned additional burdens on farmers, for example, jeopardized the competitiveness of farmers.

The farmers' association's protest at the Brandenburg Gate on Monday was directed against plans to abolish the regulations on agricultural diesel and the motor vehicle tax exemption for agricultural vehicles, which are based on an agreement between the coalition leaders on savings in the 2024 budget. According to the association, the industry would be burdened with an additional one billion euros per year as a result. The farmers' association had also called for the demonstration nationwide via its state farmers' associations. Up to now, farms have been able to claim a partial refund of the energy tax on diesel. In addition, agricultural and forestry vehicles are exempt from vehicle tax.

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