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Farmers protest on bridges: traffic not affected

On Wednesday evening, farmers lined up with tractors on several bridges over freeways near Düsseldorf to protest against the planned cuts to agricultural diesel and vehicle tax. "We are standing here to send a message to our state government in Düsseldorf: We assume that they will actively...

Farmers stand with tractors on a bridge over the A3.
Farmers stand with tractors on a bridge over the A3.

Agriculture - Farmers protest on bridges: traffic not affected

On Wednesday evening, farmers lined up with tractors on several bridges over freeways near Düsseldorf to protest against the planned cuts to agricultural diesel and vehicle tax. "We are standing here to send a message to our state government in Düsseldorf: We assume that they will actively support us in our demands to Berlin," said Daniel Dribusch, one of the participating farmers. Traffic under the bridges will not be affected by the action. According to the Düsseldorf police, traffic on the highways was not initially affected either.

Farmers have been protesting for days against the German government's planned cuts in subsidies for agricultural diesel and vehicle tax. Dribusch said that there were many smaller farms in the region in particular that would be badly affected. According to him, farmers were planning to stand with their tractors on bridges over highways such as the A3 or A44 near Düsseldorf. They were deliberately standing in places where they would not disturb anyone, he said. On Monday, farmers drove their tractors directly onto highways.

"We are already showing: "Be careful: we are also at the gates of Düsseldorf," said Dribusch. If the federal government does not cancel its plans for cuts, "something will happen on January 8", Dribusch announced. On Monday, thousands of farmers protested in Berlin with a tractor convoy. Major protests had also been announced for January 8 there.

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