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Farmers protest against traffic light tax plans in Hamburg

The austerity plans of the traffic light government affect farmers twice over. Protests against this are mainly taking place in the capital. But farmers with tractors are also gathering in Hamburg.

Farmers drive through the city center with tractors and agricultural vehicles.
Farmers drive through the city center with tractors and agricultural vehicles.

Agriculture - Farmers protest against traffic light tax plans in Hamburg

Farmers in Hamburg have also demonstrated with more than 30 tractors in protest against the planned abolition of tax concessions by the German government. "We support the farmers in Berlin," participant Andre Boris told the German Press Agency on Monday.

According to the police, several tractors had reached the Hamburg city area in the morning. The demonstration had been classified as unregistered and criminal proceedings had been initiated against unknown persons. Despite this, a leader of the rally had made himself known and the demonstration was able to take place, a police spokesperson said.

Officers accompanied the convoy of tractors from Moorburger Schanze to Glacischaussee following cooperation talks. The demonstration ended at around 12.20 pm. According to the police, there were traffic obstructions - but nothing major.

The German Farmers' Association had called for a demonstration in Berlin. It is demanding that the government withdraw its plans to abolish regulations on agricultural diesel and vehicle tax exemptions in order to save money in the federal budget. According to Boris, the problem is: "We would have to pay tax on every vehicle that drives here right now. With the diesel costs, this would mean costs of at least 10,000 euros for some farms.

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