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Farmers protest against austerity plans: traffic jams caused by tractors

Honking horns, banners and long traffic jams: thousands of farmers in Stuttgart on Thursday gave vent to their displeasure at the traffic lights' plans to cut costs in the agricultural sector.

A farmer and his family walk past parked tractors.
A farmer and his family walk past parked tractors.

Demonstration - Farmers protest against austerity plans: traffic jams caused by tractors

Thousands of farmers once again marched in a long column of tractors on Thursday to protest against a planned end to tax concessions. The police spoke of 2000 tractors in the evening. On Platform X, the police called on people to avoid driving in Stuttgart or to drive around the state capital. When the tractors arrived, there were long traffic jams on the central highways, and the police again expected traffic obstructions when they left.

In front of the Ministry of Agriculture, the farmers vented their displeasure with a concert of honking horns and banners reading "The farm is on fire, the traffic lights are on", "Farmer was my dream job" and "Poor Germany! Lets its breadwinners starve".

Agriculture Minister Peter Hauk (CDU) sharply criticized the savings plans of the traffic light coalition in the state parliament on Thursday. A very small part of the population would have to make the lion's share of the savings, said Hauk. "You can't make anyone understand that the very people who ensure our food supply are affected again." Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is not doing justice.

The Vice President of the State Farmers' Association, Jürgen Maurer, demanded: "The Federal Government's proposals must be taken off the table without any ifs and buts." Farmers would not be able to compensate for the resulting competitive disadvantages. "We maintain and preserve the cultivated landscape and implement a high standard of animal welfare. All of these services must be financed so that farming families can make a living," said Maurer according to a press release.

Last Saturday, a demonstration with 160 vehicles had already caused traffic obstructions in Stuttgart city center. On Monday, several thousand participants with hundreds of tractors in Berlin also vented their anger at the austerity plans of the traffic light coalition. Similar demonstrations had also taken place in other federal states.

The federal government wants to abolish the tax concessions for agricultural diesel and also raise the vehicle tax for tractors, combine harvesters and harvesting machines.

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