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Farmers protest against agricultural diesel plans

Farmers are facing additional costs of many thousands of euros per year due to the federal government's austerity plans. They are drawing attention to themselves with demonstrations - and not just in Berlin.

Farmers drive their tractors at walking pace on federal highway 4.
Farmers drive their tractors at walking pace on federal highway 4.

Savings - Farmers protest against agricultural diesel plans

Farmers in many regions of Lower Saxony also came together on Monday with their tractors to demonstrate against the German government's plans for agricultural diesel. According to police reports, more than 100 farmers in the districts of Lüneburg and Uelzen took to the roads with their tractors to protest and demonstrate. The district of Harburg was also affected.

In the district of Lüneburg, traffic was reportedly brought to a standstill for two hours in the morning on the B216 federal highway. Two dozen tractors from the Harburg area on highway 39 on both lanes in the direction of Lüneburg. The police had secured the convoy to the rear, it was reported. Administrative offense proceedings were also initiated because tractors are generally not allowed to drive on freeways due to their low maximum speed.

In the district of Uelzen, the main focus of the farmers' protests was the B4 federal highway, where up to 50 agricultural tractors had been on the road since the early morning, in some cases significantly obstructing traffic. In individual cases, proceedings were initiated against farmers for coercion, according to the police.

In Osnabrück, 40 tractors and four cars drove slowly through the city center in a convoy at midday. The police accompanied the tractor procession, which obstructed traffic. Some farmers also demonstrated with their vehicles in Bohmte in the district of Osnabrück, it was reported. However, there were no blockades, said a police spokesman.

In Wiesmoor in East Frisia (Aurich district), farmers with ten tractors gathered on the main road there at lunchtime, according to the police. Traffic was obstructed. "We are still investigating whether any administrative offenses have been committed," said a police spokeswoman.

In Berlin, the German Farmers' Association had called for a rally at the Brandenburg Gate under the slogan "Too much is too much". According to the state farmers' association Landvolk, more than 1,500 farmers from Lower Saxony traveled to the rally in trains, buses and cars. In addition, 350 tractors with one or two farmers on board set off. Farmers from various parts of Lower Saxony had already set off for the capital on Sunday.

The German Farmers' Association demanded that the traffic light government withdraw its plans to abolish regulations on agricultural diesel and vehicle tax exemptions. The traffic light government wants to achieve savings in the federal budget. Farmers fear additional financial burdens.

Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir expressed his understanding to farmers in Berlin about the displeasure caused by the planned abolition of tax breaks for agriculture. "I know that you have come here to Berlin with a huge amount of anger," said the Green politician at the rally. It was clear that more savings had to be made following the Federal Constitutional Court's budget ruling - but not disproportionately in agriculture. "I don't believe in cuts on this scale," Özdemir emphasized. "That's why I'm fighting in the cabinet to ensure that it doesn't happen to this extent."

Up to now, farms have been able to receive a partial refund of the energy tax on diesel. In addition, agricultural and forestry vehicles are exempt from vehicle tax.

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