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Farmers block highway ramps

Farmers blocked two slip roads on the A72 between Zwickau and Chemnitz on Tuesday morning. The Hartenstein and Stollberg-Nord junctions were affected, according to the police. Five to eight vehicles blocked the junctions in front of the slip roads.

"We for you" is written on a tractor.
"We for you" is written on a tractor.

Traffic - Farmers block highway ramps

Farmers blocked two slip roads on the A72 between Zwickau and Chemnitz on Tuesday morning. The Hartenstein and Stollberg-Nord junctions were affected, according to the police. Five to eight vehicles blocked the junctions in front of the slip roads.

The blockade in Hartenstein reportedly began at 6.00 a.m. and was broken up after 15 minutes. According to the Zwickau police, there was a banner with the slogan "If the farmer dies, the country dies". The blockade in Stollberg also began at 6.00 a.m. and lasted for an hour.

On Monday, a good 800 farmers in Leipzig and Chemnitz protested with their tractors against the planned abolition of tax breaks by the traffic light coalition.

Read also:

  1. The farmers' protest against the traffic light coalition's planned abolition of tax breaks extended to households in Saxony's cities of Leipzig and Chemnitz, as demonstrated by over 800 agrarian vehicles.
  2. The disruption to traffic wasn't limited to highway ramps; even the connection point between Zwickau and Chemnitz on the A72 saw farmers block two slip roads, causing delays for passing vehicles.
  3. In an attempt to draw attention to their cause, protesters in Chemnitz displayed a banner with the statement "If the farmer dies, the country dies" at the site of one of the blockades on the A72 freeway ramp.
  4. Police were present at the blockade sites to manage the situation, ensuring the safety of both the protesters and other motorists navigating the affected traffic.
  5. Drivers on their way to Zwickau or Chemnitz were advised to steer clear of the A72 during the blockades, looking for alternative routes to avoid any potential delays due to the farmers' demonstration.


