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Farmers' association supports EU initiative

The EU Commission recently presented a proposal to lower the protected status of wolves. Criticism came from environmental and nature conservation organizations. The farmers' association in MV, however, welcomes the plans.

Two wolf pups standing in a field.
Two wolf pups standing in a field.

Relaxed wolf protection rules - Farmers' association supports EU initiative

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's farmers' association supports the EU Commission's move to relax the strict protection rules for wolves. This step would finally pave the way for active population management, said Manfred Leberecht, Vice President of the farmers' association, in a recent press release. "We now hope that the other institutions addressed will follow this long overdue proposal."

The wolf, which was wiped out in Germany in the middle of the 19th century, has become widespread again since its return at the turn of the millennium, particularly in Lower Saxony, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony. According to the Ministry of the Environment in Schwerin, 19 packs, 6 pairs and 3 single animals have been recorded in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (as of November). The number of wolves living in the state was put at 130. This does not include the pups born this year.

According to the state wolf monitoring system, 48 attacks by wolves on livestock were recorded in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern this year up to the beginning of September. In the process, 168 animals were killed and 23 injured.

With the proposal to lower the protection status of wolves, the EU Commission is responding in particular to the demands of livestock farmers and farmers. They have been pointing out increasing problems for a long time.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said last week that the return of the wolf was good news for biodiversity in Europe. However, the density of wolf packs in some European regions has now become a real danger, especially for livestock farming. Environmental and nature conservation organizations such as BUND, Nabu and WWF criticized the EU Commission's approach and called for improved herd protection.

A few weeks ago, the federal and state environment ministers agreed that problematic wolves that have climbed over protective fences and killed livestock can be killed much more quickly in Germany in future. Unlike before, it will not be necessary to wait for a DNA analysis first.

MV Ministry of the Environment on wolves Statistics on wolves in MV

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