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Farmers against traffic light plans: criticism also from organic associations

Around 100 farmers demonstrated with tractors in front of the SPD, Greens and FDP party headquarters in Munich on Friday against the tax plans of the traffic light coalition. They placed old rubber boots in front of the state office of the Greens - "as a sign that we can throw in the towel and...

A farmer drives his tractor across a field.
A farmer drives his tractor across a field.

Agriculture - Farmers against traffic light plans: criticism also from organic associations

Around 100 farmers demonstrated with tractors in front of the SPD, Greens and FDP party headquarters in Munich on Friday against the tax plans of the traffic light coalition. They placed old rubber boots in front of the state office of the Greens - "as a sign that we can throw in the towel and quit if they carry on like this", said dairy farmer Martin Stadler from Aying.

The coalition wants to abolish the tax concessions for agricultural diesel and also levy vehicle tax on tractors, combine harvesters and harvesting machines. For an average farm, this would mean additional costs of over 6000 euros, said Markus Drexler, spokesman for the Bavarian Farmers' Association (BBV).

The state association for organic farming in Bavaria (LVÖ), which includes Bioland, Naturland, Biokreis and Demeter, also sharply criticized the plans. The money that farmers are missing is creating further hurdles on the path to environmentally and climate-friendly agriculture. "Farmers currently have no alternative to diesel tractors. They cannot switch to more environmentally friendly machines as quickly as possible," said LVÖ boss Thomas Lang.

According to the farmers' association, there are around 100,000 farms in Bavaria. Around 11,000 farms work according to the guidelines for organic farming.

In Berlin, the German Farmers' Association is planning a protest rally with around 5,000 farmers between the Brandenburg Gate and the Victory Column on Monday. In Bavaria, according to the BBV, many local actions are planned in front of the constituency offices of the Bundestag members of the traffic light parties. In Kempten, farmers have announced a rally in front of the constituency office of FDP MP Stephan Thomae. Andreas Hummel and Ralf Arnold, district chairmen of the farmers' association for Oberallgäu and Lindau, said that the sharp cost increases for farmers would also result in higher prices for consumers as well as climate-damaging imports, which would then displace regional goods.

Budget discussions in the Bundestag are due to begin on January 15. Following the announcement of the savings plans, Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) admitted that agriculture would be disproportionately burdened. This would be a competitive disadvantage compared to other countries that offer comparable subsidies.

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