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Fanzone Leipzig booming: 175,400 guests so far

The fan festival in Leipzig is a complete success. Tens of thousands of soccer fans celebrate themselves and their teams in the city center. Beer is flowing in torrents and the city clean-up team is in constant action.

The Dutch fans celebrate before the game.
The Dutch fans celebrate before the game.

Soccer - Fanzone Leipzig booming: 175,400 guests so far

The Fanzone in Leipzig's Inner City is bustling. According to the city's announcement on Thursday, 175,400 football fans attended the previous gatherings on Augustusplatz. Approximately 35,000 liters of beer were distributed in the since June 14th opened zone. The Leipzig Fanzone provides space for around 15,000 people and presents a colorful framework program until July 14th with a Ferris wheel, a mini football field, and numerous musical highlights.

Despite the lively crowd of celebrating people, the city cleaning also draws a positive balance. So far, around 200 tonnes of waste have been collected in Leipzig's city area, including the Fanzone on Augustusplatz and the Meeting Point on Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz. "We are daily in operation with over 75 mechanical and manual workforces and numerous vehicles," said Thomas Kretzschmar, head of the municipal enterprise Stadtreinigung. Additionally, 350 garbage bins have been set up in the city area.

  1. Despite the enthusiasm of Soccer fans, consuming around 35,000 liters of Beer in the bustling Fanzone, they ensured to keep the city center clean in Leipzig, Saxony.
  2. The municipalities of Leipzig have been efficiently managing waste generated by Soccer fans at the Fanzone and the Meeting Point on Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz, with over 75 teams of workers and vehicles in operation daily.
  3. The City center's Fanzone in Leipzig is a vibrant hub for EM Soccer fans, offering a Fan zone filled with entertainment like a Ferris wheel, a mini football field, and various musical events until July 14th.
  4. With approximately 15,000 capacity, the Fanzone in Leipzig has become a popular gathering point for Soccer fans across the country, especially from the surrounding municipalities, making Leipzig a city of Soccer enthusiasm during the European Championships.
  5. The energetic Fanfest in Leipzig's city center continued to attract an overwhelming number of around 175,400 Soccer fans, creating a frequent celebration of victory and camaraderie among Leipzig's EM Soccer fans.

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