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Fallow deer grazing on a flooded meadow in Mönchbruch.
Fallow deer grazing on a flooded meadow in Mönchbruch.

Hildesheim - Fallow deer get caught in a dog lead and die

Two Roe deer got entangled in a dog leash in a enclosure in Harsum, in the Hildesheim district, and sustained injuries so severe that they both perished. An unknown person, according to police reports, had attached the dog leash to the fence of the animal enclosure. One deer became entangled in its antlers in the leash. It injured itself severely while trying to free itself and died as a result. The second deer also sustained heavy injuries and ripped off its antlers. It died afterwards.

Police spokesperson

In response to the incident, authorities in Lower Saxony's Hildesheim county are investigating the accident involving the deer and the dog leash attachment to the enclosure. The police are appealing for any witnesses who might have seen someone or a dog nearby at the time of the accidents. The enclosure where the incident occurred is now under enhanced security, ensuring the safety of the remaining animals.

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