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Fake robbery of money transporter - indictment

The loot of 3.7 million euros has disappeared. Two men are said to have faked a robbery of an armored car with others. The duo are now facing charges in court.

The public prosecutor's office is pressing charges for what appears to be a fake robbery of an...
The public prosecutor's office is pressing charges for what appears to be a fake robbery of an armored car near Ludwigsburg.

Theft with millions in loot - Fake robbery of money transporter - indictment

Because they allegedly planned to stage a robbery on a money transporter in Ludwigsburg, the prosecutor's office has brought charges against two men, aged 43 and 25. The former employees of the security company are accused of stealing cash worth over 3.7 million Euro on January 4th, as a spokesperson for the prosecutor's office in Stuttgart announced. They are charged with joint robbery with weapons and the staging of a crime.

The 43-year-old driver of the money transporter is said to have stopped on a field road near Ludwigsburg. The 25-year-old man is then alleged to have unloaded the money with unknown accomplices. The duo is said to have claimed that they had been robbed by four men and threatened with weapons. The prosecutor's office made no statements about the whereabouts of the millions. The accused are in pre-trial detention.


  1. The indictment against the two men at the public prosecutor's office in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, accuses them of jointly committing a robbery with weapons.
  2. The alleged crime took place near Ludwigsburg, where the cash transporter was stopped on a field road.
  3. The public prosecutor's office in Stuttgart announced that the former employees of the security company are accused of stealing over 3.7 million Euro in a robbery on January 4th.
  4. The cash transporter, driven by a 43-year-old man, is said to have been targeted in a planned robbery, with the 25-year-old man and unknown accomplices allegedly taking the money.
  5. The theft and staging of the crime in Ludwigsburg have led to a major investigation by the public prosecutor's office in Stuttgart.

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