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Fake parcel carriers steal parcels from post store

Fake parcel carriers have stolen several parcels from a post store in the municipality of Fredenbeck in the district of Stade. The unknown perpetrators pretended to be representatives of the parcel service provider DHL in the post store in the district of Mulsum, as the police reported on...

A parcel carrier delivers parcels.
A parcel carrier delivers parcels.

District of Stade - Fake parcel carriers steal parcels from post store

Fake parcel carriers have stolen several parcels from a post store in the municipality of Fredenbeck in the district of Stade. The unknown perpetrators pretended to be representatives of the parcel service provider DHL in the post store in the district of Mulsum, as the police reported on Friday. The strangers scanned the parcels deposited in the store with a handheld scanner, loaded them into a white van labeled "Miet Mich" and drove off.

According to the police, the theft was only noticed on Wednesday when a real letter carrier came to collect the parcels on his rounds. Later, some of the parcels were found torn open some distance away in the municipality of Estorf. According to the police, it is not yet clear exactly what was stolen from the parcels. The damage is estimated at several hundred euros. The police are now looking for witnesses who can provide information about the thieves or the van.

Police statement

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