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Fajita: Wood Fairy

Grilled veggies and marinated tofu strips piled atop a warm tortilla make this burrito the perfect vegetarian option.

Gegrilltes Gemüse und marinierte Tofustreifen auf einer warmen Tortilla machen diesen Burrito
Gegrilltes Gemüse und marinierte Tofustreifen auf einer warmen Tortilla machen diesen Burrito zur perfekten vegetarischen

Rohes Material

Fajita: Wood Fairy

Für 2 Personen

  • 1 Pfund Flankensteak (455 g), in dünne Scheiben geschnitten
  • 2 Esslöffel Fajita-Gewürz
  • 2 Esslöffel Pflanzenöl
  • 8 oz Pilze (240 g), in Scheiben geschnitten
  • 6 Great Value® Fajita Tacos
  • 1⁄4 Tasse Marketside® Medium Jalapeño Salsa (65 g)
  • Bohnen zum Essen
  • Reis zum Servieren


  • Kalorien 974 38g Fett 77 Gramm Kohlenhydrate
  • 4 Gramm Ballaststoffe 5g Zucker
  • Protein 76 g

Schätzung basierend auf einer Portionsgröße.


  1. Das Steak mit Fajita-Gewürz und Pflanzenöl einreiben und 30 Minuten bei Zimmertemperatur ruhen lassen.
  2. In einer großen Pfanne bei mittlerer Hitze das gewürzte Steak hinzufügen und ca. 3 Minuten braten, bis es anfängt zu bräunen.
  3. Pilze hinzufügen und ca. 5 Minuten weich kochen.
  4. Burritos mit Tortillas, Salsa, Bohnen und Reis servieren.
  5. Viel Spaß!

Read also:

  1. After letting the seasoned steak rest at room temperature for 30 minutes, transfer it to a cast iron pan for pan frying.
  2. Before using the cast iron pan, ensure it's well-seasoned or properly greased with oil to prevent sticking.
  3. Utilize a wooden spoon to sauté the steak and vegetables, ensuring even cooking and preventing them from sticking to the pan.
  4. To protect your hands from heat while handling the pan, always wear oven mitts.
  5. Place a dry measuring cup on the stove top to measure the required salt and spices for the recipe.
  6. While the steak is sautéing, chop vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes using a chefs knife on a cutting board.
  7. To measure out the oil for cooking, use a liquid measuring cup to ensure accuracy.
  8. Once the vegetables are softened, move them to the side of the pan and add thinly sliced Beef to the pan for a quick pan fry.
  9. Serve the fajita filling in a large Fajita Tacos or in burrito-sized tortillas, and top with your favorite low sugar salsa and beans.
  10. Dry measuring cups are essential for accurately measuring the required ingredients for the recipe, such as the rice and seasonings.
  11. The fajita recipe is sponsored by a cooking channel, so make sure to check out their eko video for step-by-step instructions and additional tips.
  12. This high protein, dairy-free meal can be prepared under 30 minutes on a weeknight, making it an excellent option for families and busy individuals who want a satisfying and nutritious dinner.




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