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Failure of pumping station threatens community in Pinneberg district

Due to the failure of both pumps in the pumping station near Elmshorn in the district of Pinneberg, the community of Raa-Besenbek is threatened with flooding. Two large pumps from the Netherlands are currently being installed to reduce the water level, said the chairman of the Sielverband,...

A flood sign.
A flood sign.

Flood - Failure of pumping station threatens community in Pinneberg district

Due to the failure of both pumps in the pumping station near Elmshorn in the district of Pinneberg, the community of Raa-Besenbek is threatened with flooding. Two large pumps from the Netherlands are currently being installed to reduce the water level, said the chairman of the Sielverband, Hans-Hermann Magens, on Monday. He assumed that the pumps would be able to start draining the water on Tuesday. The NDR and SHZ had previously reported on this.

Over the past three days, the THW had initially contained the flood level to a safe level by using several pumps. However, continuous rain is forecast for the next few days, meaning that the situation could worsen again, said Magens.

The municipality in the Elbmarsch is up to 1.70 meters below sea level, which means that rainwater cannot drain away and has to be removed from the area using pumps. Magens said that he had never experienced a simultaneous failure of both pumps before.

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