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Faeser will not extend nationwide EM border controls

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) will not extend the federal border controls of the Federal Police after the European Football Championship. The application of the previously announced interior border controls during the EM ending on Sunday was designed as 'temporarily and as a last...

Border controls by police
Border controls by police

Faeser will not extend nationwide EM border controls

On Monday, Faeser presented together with the North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) the balance of federal border controls during the EM. Since June 7th, it was reported that hundreds of smugglers were arrested, thousands of illegal entries were prevented, and migrants were sent back. In addition, more than 100 football hooligans were denied entry, according to "BamS".

According to the Federal Police, about one third of the unauthorized entries at the borders to France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, and in sea and air traffic were detected. The Federal Police will use the instrument of shadow tracking in the future to prevent cross-border criminality with targeted controls, as stated in the "BamS" report from the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The Federal Police can no longer perform returns at the border in these areas.

Criticism of the termination of federal border controls after the EM comes, among others, from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group spokesman Alexander Throm. "Faeser must extend all border controls beyond the EM, a protection only to the south and east is not enough," he told "BamS". A third of the unauthorized entries occur "in the west and north of our country". The government should register the controls with the EU Commission, urged the opposition politician.

The government party FDP also calls for an extension. General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai told "Bild am Sonntag": "We have seen during the EM how sensible border controls are. Faeser must therefore present a security strategy in the next cabinet meeting on how border controls after the EM can be extended." Previously, FDP fraction leader Christian Dürr had already spoken out in favor of this.

  1. Faeser, representing Germany at the EM with North Rhine-Westphalia's Interior Minister Herbert Reul from the CDU, discussed the effectiveness of border controls.
  2. During the EM, border controls prevented thousands of illegal entries and arrested numerous smugglers, as reported by Faeser.
  3. In addition to these figures, 100 football hooligans were denied entry, according to the "BamS" report from the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
  4. The Federal Police detected about one-third of unauthorized entries at Germany's borders with France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, and in sea and air traffic.
  5. Faeser and Reul mentioned that the Federal Police would utilize shadow tracking to prevent cross-border criminality in the future.
  6. Regarding the termination of federal border controls after the EM, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group spokesman Alexander Throm criticized Faeser, urging her to extend the controls.
  7. Throm stated that a third of the unauthorized entries occur "in the west and north of our country," and called for the German government to register the controls with the EU Commission.
  8. The opposition FDP also supported an extension of border controls, with General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai urging Faeser to present a security strategy.
  9. Previously, FDP fraction leader Christian Dürr had already advocated for extending border controls, demonstrating bipartisan support for enhanced security measures.

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