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Extremist Liebich faces trial in Halle again.

Sven Liebich, an extreme right-wing individual, stands to face trial again. The likelihood of him spending time in prison for his deeds is high.

Microphones and headphones on a table in a courtroom.
Microphones and headphones on a table in a courtroom.

Radical ideologies and fanatic approach - Extremist Liebich faces trial in Halle again.

A right-wing extremist named Sven Liebich is back in court once again, this time at the District Court of Halle. A trial in response to his previous conviction was set in motion on Thursday. Just a few months ago, Liebich was sentenced by the Magistrates' Court of Halle to serve a year and six months behind bars, without parole, on charges that include inciting hatred and defamation. Prosecution and defense have both lodged appeals.

Over the last six years, Liebich has made it a habit to hold demonstrations often on the Halle town square in Saxony-Anhalt. These events have frequently resulted in feuds with counter-demonstrators. And now, the legal system has been dealing with a series of allegations against him.


In 2023, the state prosecutor filed six lawsuits against Liebich in July, which charge him with publicly insulting others. In the past, he's been fined for legal breaches. Jail time has also been ordered, but in those instances, the penalties were suspended.

Remaining legal battles await for Liebich. In July, there'll be another appeal at the Leipzig District Court for a seven-month sentence for causing grievous bodily harm. The alleged incident took place during a Coronavirus demonstration in November 2020, wherein he assaulted a photographer. Three other defendants - two men and a woman - received suspended sentences ranging between six and ten months, along with other penalties. All four defendants chose to file appeals.

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