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Extreme mountaineer Huber from Berg advocates for addressing the wolf predicament.

Alexander Huber, renowned for his exploits in extreme climbing, additionally operates as a part-time farmer. Settled in the Berchtesgaden region, his farm consists of sheep, and he has offered his insights on the wolf issue.

- Extreme mountaineer Huber from Berg advocates for addressing the wolf predicament.

Avid mountaineer Alexander Huber, also famed for his small-scale farming activities in Marktschellenberg, Berchtesgadener Land district, continually remains vigilant due to the local wolf. Joining other local farmers, he brought attention to the predicament in a video shared online by the Bavarian Mountain Farmers Association (ARGE Bergbauern).

As a notable figure among the farmers, Huber asserts, "Simply because wolf attacks aren't being reported across the board, it doesn't mean the underlying issue has been resolved."

Respect for Humans and Livestock Required

At 55 years old and openly sharing his recent diagnosis of a benign brain tumor, Huber maintains a non-confrontational stance against wolves. "I strongly believe that wolves and bears have the right to thrive even in this region," he declares. However, a lack of hunting over the years has resulted in a disregard for human and livestock safety by wolves. "It takes what it can easily acquire," Huber explains.

There exist multiple regions where wolves and bears peacefully coexist, Huber clarifies, but in these locations, wolves are actively hunted or forced out. As long as the wolf maintains an understanding of human boundaries within forests, it is tolerable.

Cause for Alarm

However, Huber, who raises sheep for both meat and wool, raises concerns about the Berchtesgadener Land region. The area has witnessed instances of wolf sightings and attacks in the past, notably in Marktschellenberg close to the Austrian border.

According to the Bavarian Environmental Agency (LfU), suspected wolf attacks have been reported in various Bavarian districts this year, primarily in the north and also in others like Traunstein, Oberallgäu, and Ostallgäu.

A female wolf was recently shot in the Rhön after attacking several sheep, despite preventative measures for herding protection. No wolf sightings have been reported in Berchtesgadener Land this year. Not all claims of wolf attacks are substantiated by the LfU, as DNA analysis in certain instances has established that dogs were the culprits.

Huber warns that farmers could struggle without explicit regulations in place regarding wolves. Recovering well from his brain tumor surgery, he has resumed climbing and scaled a new route on the Brendelberg in his hometown, titleing it "Survival."

The environment, specifically the fragile balance between wolves and farmers, is a topic of concern for Alexander Huber. Despite the peaceful coexistence of wolves in certain regions, the lack of hunting and understanding of human boundaries in Berchtesgadener Land has led to concerns about wolf attacks on livestock.

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