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Extortion using intimate images is on the rise.

Online flirtation, compliments, and promises of love can lead to intimacy. Yet, these relationships often become a living nightmare as individuals are coerced into sharing nude photos, which are later used for blackmail.

Ein Mann schaut sich auf einem Smartphone eine Porno-Internetseite an (gestellte Szene). Es beginnt...
Ein Mann schaut sich auf einem Smartphone eine Porno-Internetseite an (gestellte Szene). Es beginnt mit einem vermeintlichen Online-Flirt und endet mit Geldforderungen. Sextortion wird diese Form der Erpressung genannt. Es gibt Möglichkeiten, sich davor zu schützen.

Digital criminal acts. - Extortion using intimate images is on the rise.

The Police in Stuttgart are raising concerns over a growing number of sextortion cases. This type of scam involves individuals being coerced into sharing intimate photos, which are then used to blackmail them. Officially, the number of recorded cases decreased from 308 to 102 in 2023, but this may not be entirely accurate as some crimes committed from abroad were erroneously recorded as inland.

While the PKS-inland showed only 102 cases in the previous year, the situation is much grimmer in the PKS-abroad. The spokesperson for the LKA notes that "The cases recorded in the PKS-abroad are several times higher and increasing." However, the PKS-abroad is still being set up with its data not yet publicly available. Perpetrators of this crime often remain anonymous, making it difficult to track them down.

Sextortion has been identified as a fraud scheme for some time and has been discouraged by law enforcement agencies all over Germany. The Southwest region has witnessed several cases this year, with one incident involving a young man in Bodenseekreis who was coerced into sharing his nude photos under false pretenses. In Rastatt, two other men fell victim to this scheme towards the end of March. A 58-year-old man from the Freudenstadt district paid around 3,000 euros to his blackmailers after being subjected to continued harassment and demands for nude photos.

The process of sextortion begins when criminals use social media and online platforms to interact with victims under false identities, often pretending to be in love. After obtaining intimate images, they threaten to release them publicly and sometimes demand large sums of money. The LKA has yet to provide demographic information about the victims.

The BSI's IT security report for 2023 highlighted sextortion, along with identity theft and phishing, as one of the three most prominent threats in the "Society" category. The White Ring, a victim protection association, warns that men are more likely to fall victim to sextortion.

For more information on sextortion, refer to the police press release from March 4, or the White Ring's web page on sextortion.

A young woman blocking a computer with her fingers

According to experts, sextortion can be a significant issue for many people, especially women.

See the original article

Read also:

  1. The LKA in Baden-Württemberg, specifically in Karlsruhe, is closely monitoring the rise of sextortion cases, emphasizing that the actual number of incidents might be higher due to unreported crimes.
  2. In response to the growing issue of sextortion, law enforcement agencies in cities like Stuttgart and Rastatt are working tirelessly to track down perpetrators, protect victims, and raise public awareness about this form of cybercrime.
  3. According to the BSI's IT security report for 2023, sextortion, along with identity theft and phishing, has emerged as one of the main threats in the "Society" category, putting men in Baden-Württemberg at a higher risk.
  4. The Police in Men (Mannheim) have stressed the importance of being vigilant online and reported that the city has seen an increase in sextortion cases, urging citizens to report any suspicious activity to local authorities for further investigation.


