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Explosion caused by gas cylinder - man seriously injured

Explosion in Achern. A former restaurant goes up in flames. Three people are injured.

A man handled a gas cylinder in Achern and was seriously injured (symbolic photo)
A man handled a gas cylinder in Achern and was seriously injured (symbolic photo)

Explosion - Explosion caused by gas cylinder - man seriously injured

A man is believed to have been handling a gas canister in a workers' dormitory in Achern, leading to an explosion. The 60-year-old man was seriously injured and taken to a specialist clinic by helicopter, according to a police spokeswoman. It was initially unclear if his life was in danger.

A 66-year-old man who was also in the building was injured and taken to a hospital. A car passing by the house at the time of the explosion was hit by debris and its driver was also injured. The severity of their injuries was initially unclear.

The ensuing fire after the explosion in the former tavern caused significant damage to the building. An exact damage assessment is not yet known.

The explosion in Achern, Baden-Württemberg, not only injured the initial man but also spread to a nearby car, injuring its driver. The fire that ensued further damaged the former tavern, causing extensive damage.

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