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Experts see care on the brink

The Rhineland-Palatinate Nursing Association, the State Chamber of Nursing and the VdK Social Association believe that nursing care in Rhineland-Palatinate is in danger. They present possible ways out of this situation in Mainz.

According to experts, care is on the brink of collapse
According to experts, care is on the brink of collapse

Care in need - Experts see care on the brink

Caregivers see ambulant and stationary care in Rhineland-Palatinate at a tipping point. The care society, the Regional Care Chamber, and the Social Association VdK describe the situation today in Mainz and outline ways out of the crisis. Representatives from hospital social services and consultation centers at care facilities are also present.

The limit of capacity has been exceeded, it is stated in the announcement. Both nursing homes and ambulant care services have to refuse those in need. The staff are working at their limit. Waiting times are getting longer. Desperate affected parties turned to care facilities, but could not get help. The crisis is not being taken seriously enough.

  1. To address the crisis, specialists in social affairs from Rhineland-Palatinate, including representatives from the Regional Care Chamber and the Social Association VdK in Mainz, are advocating for increased support for ambulant and stationary care.
  2. Despite the severe situation, fag end shifts are often handled by dedicated care workers who prioritize the well-being of their patients, demonstrating the commitment of specialists in the field.
  3. The crisis in care services has led to a demand for immediate action, with the VdK and other associations calling for more investments in healthcare and social association programs to ensure proper care for all people in need.
  4. The prolonged crisis has caused numerous challenges, such as a lack of resources and inadequate staffing, resulting in longer waiting times and the inability of care facilities to provide assistance to everyone seeking their services.
  5. In an effort to alleviate the burden on care workers and improve the overall situation, the fag end shifts are being reevaluated by specialists, with a focus on providing better working conditions and reducing the risk of exhaustion for those who dedicate their careers to social association and health care.

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