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Experts see care on the brink

Industry experts see nursing care in Rhineland-Palatinate in danger. They want to present possible ways out of this situation in Mainz.

A care worker walks through a retirement home with a resident.
A care worker walks through a retirement home with a resident.

Social affairs - Experts see care on the brink

Caregivers see ambulant and stationary care in Rhineland-Palatinate at a tipping point. The situation and possible solutions will be informed about on Monday (11:00 am) by the care society, the state nursing chamber, and the Social Association VdK. Representatives of hospital social services and consulting offices at care facilities are also present.

The limit has been exceeded, it is stated in the invitation. Both nursing homes and ambulant care services have to reject those in need. The staff are working at their limit. Waiting times are getting longer. Desperate affected parties turned to care facilities, but could not get help. The crisis is not being taken seriously enough.

Specialists from various fields, including health and social affairs, are needed to address the critical situation in ambulant and stationary care in Mainz, a city in Rhineland-Palatinate. This region has reached a tipping point, with care facilities and services struggling to meet the growing demand. Furthermore, the fag end of the workforce in this sector is being increasingly recognized as a concern, requiring innovative solutions to ensure continuity of care.

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