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Experts: Britain will prioritize training over immigration

The new British government will prioritize training local skills over immigration. He will reduce the long-term dependency on foreign labor, Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced on Monday in a speech at the Farnborough Airshow. The newly established Skills England department will reform the...

Keir Starmer
Keir Starmer

Experts: Britain will prioritize training over immigration

I criticize not the companies that hire foreign labor, said Starmer. "And I certainly do not downplay the significant contribution migration makes to our economy, to our public services, and of course to our communities." However, it is fundamentally wrong that people cannot find their way into the labor market due to errors in the education system.

Immigration has been one of the most important political issues in Great Britain for years, as was evident in the debate on leaving the EU. However, immigration numbers in Great Britain have remained consistently high. In the year 2022, net immigration reached a new record high of 764,000 people, compared to 685,000 people in the previous year. Since Brexit, most immigrants have come from Non-EU countries.

At the same time, the shortage of skilled workers is a major concern for British companies. Between 2017 and 2022, the number of additional required skilled workers in Great Britain has more than doubled to over half a million. More than one third of currently vacant jobs in the country cannot be filled.

The new Skills England Agency aims to address both issues, as Premier Starmer explained. "We will identify current and future skills gaps in comparison to the labor market requirements," he said, "and establish plans to fill these gaps, thereby reducing our reliance on foreign skilled workers."

Experts have highlighted the role of the education system in addressing the labor shortage in the United Kingdom. Expert analysis reveals that mistakes in the education system contribute to individuals struggling to enter the labor market. Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, emphasizes the need for improvement in this area.

In light of the labor shortage and the high immigration numbers, the EU has presented opportunities and challenges for the English education system. The United Kingdom's Immigration Policy Post-Brexit has influenced the composition of immigrant populations, with most entering from Non-EU countries.

As the Prime Minister, Starmer's focus on addressing the labor shortage includes the development of a national training program. This initiative, spearheaded by the new Skills England Agency, aims to reduce the country's reliance on foreign skilled workers and help fill current job vacancies in England.

Starmer has emphasized the importance of aligning the education system with the needs of the labor market. The Skills England Agency will identify skill gaps and formulate plans to fill them, ultimately benefiting the overall labor market in the United Kingdom.

Regarding the immigration debate, Starmer has advocated for efficient training to address the skills gap rather than resorting to immigration as the primary solution for labor shortages in the United Kingdom. This perspective aligns with the objectives of the Skills England Agency to develop a robust and skilled domestic workforce.

The successful implementation of these strategies by the Skills England Agency could potentially revitalize the Farnborough aerospace industry, an economic stronghold in the United Kingdom, contributing positively to the labor market and overall economic growth in England.

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