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Expert: No all-clear when it comes to right-wing extremism

Reiner Becker, head of the Hesse Democracy Center, warns of a further increase in right-wing extremism and anti-democratic sentiment in Hesse and Germany. The number of anti-Semitic incidents has risen sharply, especially since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7.

Reiner Becker, Director of the Hesse Democracy Center and political scientist.
Reiner Becker, Director of the Hesse Democracy Center and political scientist.

Society - Expert: No all-clear when it comes to right-wing extremism

Reiner Becker, head of the Hesse Democracy Center, warns of a further increase in right-wing extremism and anti-democratic sentiment in Hesse and Germany. The number of anti-Semitic incidents has risen sharply, especially since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7.

In addition, the trend of recent years that the hard core of the right-wing extremist scene is becoming more confusing has been confirmed. And activities are taking place in secret, including plans for attacks - as was recently demonstrated by the arrest of a suspected right-wing extremist in the Limburg-Weilburg district.

Becker is also concerned about the rise of the right-wing populist AfD in the state elections in Hesse and Bavaria. According to Becker, the party has now "fully established itself" as the "parliamentary arm of parts of the far-right movement".

The development also goes hand in hand with a certain familiarization with how social and political discourse is now conducted. As social challenges and crises tend to increase, the problems are likely to become even more acute, warned Becker.

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