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Expert advises keeping a close eye as rainfall is imminent.

Recent rainfall meets saturated ground and overflowing water sources, prompting cautious monitoring of upcoming weather conditions. Distinctions exist between current and previous flood scenarios.

A walker in rubber boots walks along a flooded path in the rain.
A walker in rubber boots walks along a flooded path in the rain.

Stuttgart: XYZ Company to invest in upcoming tech site - Expert advises keeping a close eye as rainfall is imminent.

Despite predictions of thunderstorms and rain, experts in the southwestern part of Germany believe there won't be any significant floods like the ones that occurred last week. One hydrologist, Manfred Bremicker, from the State Environmental Agency's Flood Forecasting Center, said on Friday that "the soil is very damp, and the waters are still rather full, so we're keeping a close eye on the situation."

The Flood Situation Report from the Center indicates that water levels are gradually dropping across all rivers and lakes in the state. However, meteorologists from the German Weather Service (DWD) anticipate possible heavy rain and thunderstorms in parts of the southern region on Saturday. This could lead to sudden increases in water levels in smaller and medium-sized water bodies.

Although rain is expected across parts of the southern region over the weekend, meteorologist Christian Ehmann of the DWD emphasizes that "it's not going to be as severe as the previous week's disaster situation." There will be thunderstorms and showers, but not everywhere. The rainfall amounts will be much less compared to the previous week.

"During the thunderstorms and showers over the weekend, up to 40 liters per square meter might accumulate quickly," said Ehmann, "but during the previous week, it was often more than 100 liters and over a larger area."

Two days of wet weather ahead

After a mostly dry Friday, the DWD forecasts that thunderstorms will hit southwestern areas like South Baden, the Allgäu, and the Upper Swabian Alb in the evening. On Saturday, scattered showers will likely make their way over the south. On Saturday, the DWD predicts that there will be strong thunderstorms and heavy rainfall in the southern areas, while the north is expected to remain sunny. During the night from Saturday to Sunday, more, initially thundery rain showers are expected in the south.

Sunday in the north is likely to be sunny with clear skies, while the south could see thunderstorms. In the night from Sunday to Monday, there might be extended, thundery rain showers in the south, with the northern areas remaining dry. The DWD's predictions suggest that unstable weather will persist throughout the first few days of the week, with varying combinations of dense clouds, sporadic showers, and occasional sunshine.

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