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Expensive Christmas baking: prices for ingredients have risen

When baking cookies, you have to pay significantly more for some ingredients this year. Prices for jam, marmalade and jelly in particular (up 11.3 percent) and for sweet almonds, coconut flakes and the like (up 9 percent) were significantly higher in November than a year earlier, according to...

A woman holds banknotes and coins in her hand.
A woman holds banknotes and coins in her hand.

Food - Expensive Christmas baking: prices for ingredients have risen

When baking cookies, you have to pay significantly more for some ingredients this year. Prices for jam, marmalade and jelly in particular (up 11.3 percent) and for sweet almonds, coconut flakes and the like (up 9 percent) were significantly higher in November than a year earlier, according to the state statistics office IT.NRW on Tuesday. However, those who knead their own dough and fire up the oven can avoid some drastic price increases: ready-made cookies were more than a third (34.8 percent) more expensive this November than in the previous year.

Basic ingredients such as flour (up 3.3 percent) and eggs (up 1.3 percent) also became slightly more expensive year-on-year. However, the increase here remained below the average price increase for all foodstuffs (plus 6.2 percent). Butter, on the other hand, cost 22.9% less this November than in the same month last year.

Press release

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