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Expected ruling in case involving accused amok plotting

A female suspect is accused of amassing a vast arsenal of guns. There are conflicting theories as to whether she intended to carry out a revenge-fueled spree of violence or if this was merely a violent daydream. The court will ultimately determine the truth.

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Court of Long Stuttgart - Expected ruling in case involving accused amok plotting

In a court trial for suspected arson and murder plots against two public structures in Fellbach and Waiblingen, a verdict will be announced on Wednesday (9:00 am) by the Stuttgart Regional Court. A defendant stands accused of having bombs, firearms, black powder, harpoons, machetes, and knives at home with the intention of entering the Fellbach town hall and Waiblingen district court. According to prosecutors, her motive was to murder people, set the buildings ablaze, and subsequently end her life due to feelings of humiliation. However, it remains uncertain if she can be found guilty.

The accused woman is charged with preparing a severe state-threatening act of violence. She has denied these accusations in court. The 25-year-old claimed during her court appearance that she had used her diary to record her violent thoughts to help alleviate some of her internal anger. She purchased the weapons to give visual form to these thoughts. It was all about the images in her head, she stated. The armory was also a pastime for her. The alleged attack plan was uncovered during a property search in the previous year.

There's a possibility that the court will determine the defendant as legally insane, leading to her admission to a psychiatric facility. She has been treated psychologically multiple times and reportedly struggles with depression, according to her own statements. But it's unclear if this constitutes loss of perception of right and wrong.

The conclusion of the trial will be carried out behind closed doors. The defense and prosecution's closing arguments will also be held in the morning without the public present. The sentence for preparing a significant state-threatening criminal offense carries a range of six months to ten years in prison.

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