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Expected increase in Rhine water levels.

Due to continuous rainfall in the southeastern Rhine drainage region, water levels in the Rhine are anticipated to increase in the upcoming days.

Water levels on the Rhine rising according to forecasts.
Water levels on the Rhine rising according to forecasts.

Severe flooding occurs in the area. - Expected increase in Rhine water levels.

Because of heavy rainfall for several days, experts believe the Rhine's water level will considerably increase in the near future. The Rhineland-Palatinate High Water Forecast Center expects the 700 centimeter mark to be crossed at the Maxau gauge in Karlsruhe on Saturday morning, and continue to rise until Sunday. Similar situations are expected in Mannheim (650 centimeters) and Mainz (550 centimeters).

Under the Neckar confluence, there's a chance a flood event could happen every two decades at the beginning of next week. The flood report states, "This will be heavily influenced by the actual discharge of the Neckar, which currently presents more uncertainties in the forecasts."

At Maxau gauge, the shipping water level mark I was surpassed on Friday - which means speed restrictions and sailing in the middle of the river become necessary. Once the water levels of major rivers reach specific warning levels, the forecast service issues flood reports for the relevant river.

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The anticipated rainfall in Baden-Württemberg might lead to an increase in the Rhine's water level, posing a flood threat in Karlsruhe and other nearby cities like Mannheim and Mainz. The water level at the Maxau gauge in Karlsruhe is expected to surpass the 700 centimeter mark on Saturday and continue rising until Sunday. Consequently, the Rhine River in the Rhineland-Palatinate region may witness a significant flood event.

