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Expect heavy rain and thunderstorms on Monday.

People in Germany are advised to be prepared for more thunderstorms following heavy rainfall in the northern regions yesterday. The German Weather Service (DWD) predicts that southern and central parts of the country will experience heavy showers and thunderstorms on Monday morning.

Dunkle Gewitterwolken ziehen am späten Abend über die Landschaft im Osten von Brandenburg.
Dunkle Gewitterwolken ziehen am späten Abend über die Landschaft im Osten von Brandenburg.

Meteorological Conditions - Expect heavy rain and thunderstorms on Monday.

In the Baden-Württemberg region, the probability of experiencing local thunderstorms with heavy rainfall peaks around noon. There's also a chance of showers and hail. Meanwhile, the western part of the country will initially stay dry, but rain showers and isolated thunderstorms could occur in the afternoon, as per the German Weather Service (DWD). The temperature will range from 19 to 24 degrees. In Lausitz and Lower Bavaria, it might even reach 26 degrees.

As per the DWD's forecast, a swift transition from dry weather to heavy, prolonged rainfall is expected to occur from northwest to southeast on Monday night, with a potential for thunderstorms.

Persistent rainfall on Sunday caused flooding in certain areas of northern Germany, resulting in closed streets. Lübeck's fire department reportedly attended to 105 weather-related incidents, during which mostly water was removed. No one was reported injured.

In the eastern part of Lasbek-Gut, north of Hamburg, a river breached its banks, causing extensive flooding on the nearby road. Around fifteen to twenty individuals were rescued from their homes, informed Wehrführer Sven Oberkofler of the German Press Agency. The water rose to a height of 75 centimeters, necessitating the use of rescue boats from the German Life-Saving Society. Flooding also occurred in Buchholz south of Hamburg. The fire department mentioned multiple interventions on its website, such as cellars getting inundated.

Several traffic accidents on the A19 and A20 highways in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern resulted from the storms on Sunday. Fortunately, all individuals involved in these accidents escaped unharmed, according to the police.

Read also:

  1. Despite the heavy rain and thunderstorms predicted by the DWD for Monday in Lusatia and parts of Germany, local residents are advised to stay vigilant and prepared.
  2. The storms on Sunday in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania led to several traffic accidents on the A19 and A20 highways, reminding drivers to exercise caution during inclement weather.
  3. In response to the persistent rainfall on Sunday, the fire department in Hamburg provided assistance in Buchholz, where flooding occurred in multiple locations.
  4. The sudden shift from dry weather to heavy rain and potential thunderstorms on Monday night, as forecasted by the DWD, is a concern for the fire department in Lower Bavaria, given the region's vulnerability to such conditions.
  5. As residents in Baden-Württemberg prepare for the expected local thunderstorms with heavy rainfall on Monday, many are also aware of the historical vulnerability to flooding in the area, given past incidents like those in Lübeck and Hamburg.
  6. Despite the potential for heavy rain and thunderstorms in Germany on Monday, as per the German Weather Service (DWD), Berlin is forecasted to have significantly less precipitation compared to other regions, offering a temporary reprieve for locals.
  7. The fire department in Schleswig-Holstein is closely monitoring the weather forecasts and potential for heavy rain and thunderstorms, with a heightened awareness of the need for quick response in the event of flooding or other weather-related incidents.
  8. In the aftermath of the flooding in certain areas of northern Germany due to persistent rainfall on Sunday, discussions are underway about investing in new infrastructure and improving weather monitoring systems to better prepare for extreme weather events in the future.




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