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Expansion sealed: power line coming by 2027

The diesel era is now set to end on the Hochrheinbahn for a long time. An important minister admits that he was ashamed of the railroad in the region bordering Switzerland.

A train runs on the Hochrheinbahn line between Basel and Erzingen.
A train runs on the Hochrheinbahn line between Basel and Erzingen.

Hochrheinbahn - Expansion sealed: power line coming by 2027

The Hochrheinbahn line between Basel and Erzingen in Baden will be electrified by the end of 2027. This will also put an end to the era of environmentally harmful diesel trains. The costs for the expansion of the approximately 75-kilometre-long route are estimated at 434 million euros, as announced by Deutsche Bahn (DB) on Monday in Laufenburg in the Waldshut district.

Work is also being carried out at stations to make the connection more attractive, said Ingrid Felipe, the DB Netz board member responsible for infrastructure. More connections are planned between southern Baden, Lake Constance and northern and eastern Switzerland.

Felipe and project partners from Germany and neighboring Switzerland signed the expansion contract. "Today is a historic day," said State Transport Minister Winfried Hermann (Greens). "We are ready. We can do this."

Hermann spoke of an extraordinary project and reported on the stumbling blocks along the way. "Personally, I've always been ashamed of a railroad like this." The Green politician criticized that conditions there in the 21st century were like those in the 19th century.

According to Deutsche Bahn, construction work will begin in 2025. "Construction site - that means disruption," said board member Felipe. During the work, users would have to be prepared for section closures and the associated rail replacement services.

According to DB, two kilometers of the upgraded line run on Swiss territory. Switzerland will contribute around 50 million euros to the project financing, reported Hermann.

"We are looking forward to an efficient and reliable Hochrheinbahn, which will provide direct and fast connections between Basel, Schaffhausen, Constance and eastern Switzerland with the Hochrhein-Bodensee-Express," said Peter Füglistaler, Director of the Swiss Federal Office of Transport. This will bring the regions to the left and right of the Rhine closer together.

According to Hermann, the federal government will bear the lion's share of the costs, at around three quarters. The state and the municipal level are also involved. The head of department said that Deutsche Bahn was concentrating its investments and renovations primarily on the "high-performance corridors". "The other parts of the network are falling by the wayside," he criticized.

Around 71 percent of the rail lines in the southwest have already been electrified, as reported by the Ministry of Transport. However, there is still room for more routes. "This can also reduce the use of environmentally harmful diesel trains," is the ministry's line.

Further information on the Ministry of Transport's project to electrify railroad lines Announcement by Deutsche Bahn on the signing of the contract

Read also:

  1. The expansion of the Hochrheinbahn line will extend its reach to Lake Constance and northern and eastern Switzerland.
  2. The German railroad, Deutsche Bahn (DB), will invest in electrifying the Hochrheinbahn line between Basel and Erzingen in Baden by 2027.
  3. The expansion contract for the Hochrheinbahn line was signed by DB Netz board member Ingrid Felipe, along with project partners from Germany and neighboring Switzerland.
  4. Two kilometers of the upgraded Hochrheinbahn line will run on Swiss territory, with Switzerland contributing around 50 million euros to the project financing.
  5. The expansion of the Hochrheinbahn line will also involve work at stations to make the connection more attractive, reducing the use of environmentally harmful diesel trains.
  6. The DB network is focusing its investments and renovations primarily on "high-performance corridors", with other parts of the network receiving less attention.
  7. The expansion of the Hochrheinbahn line will have a positive impact on traffic between Bodensee and eastern Switzerland, bringing the regions on both sides of the Rhine closer together.




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