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Expansion of solar energy is progressing swiftly

In Southern Germany, there are frequent protests against the construction of new wind turbines. Solar energy, however, is less controversial.

According to a representative survey commissioned by the industry association, acceptance for solar...
According to a representative survey commissioned by the industry association, acceptance for solar energy in the population is high.

Photovoltaic - Expansion of solar energy is progressing swiftly

The expansion of Solar Energy in Germany is gaining momentum. From early January to July 18th, the newly installed Photovoltaic capacity was approximately 25% higher than in the first half of 2023, according to the Solar Industry Association's report based on data from the Federal Network Agency.

As of July 18th, the total gross power capacity of all German solar installations amounted to 90.4 Gigawatt-Peak. In total, these installed solar systems produced around 62 Terawatt-hours of Electricity in 2023 and covered approximately 12% of the total gross electricity consumption, according to the Solar Industry Association.

Homeowners install fewer systems

Unlike in the past, the main drivers are currently fewer private homeowners - but instead, more corporations and farmers, who are installing solar systems on rooftops and open fields.

The capacity increase in the first half of 2024 was reportedly around 40% in the residential sector, 21% on commercial rooftops, around 37% on open fields, and around 3% through balcony solar systems by the BSW.

However, solar systems on residential rooftops still have the largest share. In the first half of the year, around 5% fewer PV roof systems were put into operation in the residential sector compared to the previous year.

Three quarters support Solar Energy

According to a representative survey commissioned by the Federation, the acceptance of solar energy in the population is high: 77% of the 2132 citizens surveyed in late May stated that they consider the further expansion of solar energy important or even extremely important. The commissioned research institute was Yougov.

  1. The majority of the growth in Solar Energy expansion in Germany is occurring in Southern Germany, as reported by the Federal Association Solar Industry.
  2. The Federal Network Agency's data shows that the increase in Photovoltaic capacity in the first half of 2024, particularly in the residential sector, is significantly higher compared to the same period in 2023.
  3. The Federal Association Solar Industry's report also reveals that corporations and farmers are now the primary drivers of Solar Energy development in Germany, installing solar systems on rooftops and open fields.
  4. The Federation's survey, conducted by Yougov, found that 77% of the 2132 citizens surveyed in late May believe that the further expansion of Solar Energy in Berlin and across Germany is important or extremely important.
  5. The total power capacity of all solar installations in Germany, as of July 18th, is managed by the Federal Network Agency, which is responsible for regulating the country's energy market.

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