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Expansion of electronic files in Brandenburg's justice system replaces paper usage.

Digitalization in the Brandenburg justice system centers around the electronic file, and its transformation has made significant progress.

A screen hangs on the wall in a courtroom in the district court.
A screen hangs on the wall in a courtroom in the district court.

Brandenburg - Residing within it. - Expansion of electronic files in Brandenburg's justice system replaces paper usage.

Justice Minister Susanne Hoffmann (CDU) attended the launch of digitalized court cases at the Berlin-Brandenburg Finance Court in Cottbus on Monday, with plans to eventually extend the E-Akte (electronic court files) to all specialist courts. This feature will initially serve as a base for rolling out computerized records across all specialist courts.

According to Hoffmann, "the aim is to create a justice system that accommodates modern and future-oriented standards with less complicated legal procedures and shorter wait times." The finance court's president, Thomas Stapperfend, claims multiple advantages to E-Akte, including "improved workflows, faster communication, and eco-friendly resource management."

Digitization is set to be implemented in administrative, welfare, and labor courts. In 2022, civil, guardianship, and family cases in regular jurisdiction adopted the E-Akte. The entire Brandenburg district courts and the Brandenburg Higher Regional Court have adopted this method as well. Of the 23 district courts in Brandenburg, 22 are currently onboard. The adoption of digital trial files is believed to be a pivotal step in the modernization of the justice system.

An estimated 200,000 E-Aketen (digitalized court files) have been generated since their introduction in Brandenburg's legal system. The current count showcases approximately 226,000 electronic files in regular jurisdiction, corresponding to a stored data volume of around 6.5 terabytes or 5,970 gigabytes.

Some 1,150 employees in the entire regular jurisdiction in Brandenburg have undergone training for managing the new system. Since 2021, approximately 4,000 laptops, more than 600 workstations, and over 3,000 monitors have been fitted at law-related workstations for more efficient work.

Digitalized Legal Enforcement

The public prosecutor's office in Neuruppin has implemented digital enforcement of fines since the beginning of last year, marking the initial foray into digitalization within criminal prosecution authorities. The switch from physical files to electronic enforcement sheets has discontinued manual operations, thus introducing a purely electronic fines system. It is said to handle around 3,400 cases each year. During this year, the prosecutor's offices throughout Germany plan to implement the electronic enforcement of fines.

Read also:

  1. The digitalized court case launch in Cottbus, Brandenburg, was attended by Justice Minister Susanne Hoffmann from the CDU party.
  2. The expansion of E-Akte to all specialist courts in Brandenburg aims to promote digitization in administrative, welfare, and labor courts.
  3. Susanne Hoffmann believes that the digitization of the justice system will lead to simpler legal procedures and shorter wait times.
  4. The digitalized court files have been adopted by 22 of the 23 district courts in Brandenburg, contributing to a significant reduction in physical paper usage.

