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Exercising as a Possibility for Alleviating Depression?

Individuals battling depression may benefit from discovering a sport they find enjoyable.
Individuals battling depression may benefit from discovering a sport they find enjoyable.

Exercising as a Possibility for Alleviating Depression?

Eternally battling fatigue and lack of motivation is typical in depression. Exercise and physical activity can alleviate other symptoms associated with depression. However, launching into motion is often a daunting task for those struggling with this mental illness. Are there specific sports that could be beneficial? And what methods can one employ to encourage movement?

Depression is a prevalent mental disorder in Germany, affecting millions. It can be treated through various means, such as psychotherapy, medication, and physical activity. Exercise has been proven to help in alleviating depressive symptoms, according to scientific research.

However, for many sufferers, becoming active seems impossible. The essence of depression often includes being lethargic and emotionless. But, as Jens Kleinert, a professor of sport and health psychology at the German Sports University in Cologne, explains, inactivity will not improve your condition. Sport and exercise are frequently used in conjunction with depression treatment in both clinical and outpatient settings.

According to Kleinert, there are four primary factors that contribute to the positive impact of sports on depression: activation, elevated mood, improved self-concept, and increased social integration.

Increasing Activity Levels

Regular exercise and physical activity help combat fatigue and lethargy. "Depressed individuals feel more vigorous, awake, and active," Kleinert explains, which subsequently makes daily tasks more manageable.

Exploring Emotions

Depression often leads to an emotional void, as Kleinert points out. "Sport can often provide a crack in this emotional barrier at least partially," he says, as different feelings are involved with various sports, such as improvement, winning, or losing, particularly when exercising with others.

Enhancing Self-Image

Those suffering from depression struggle with self-worth and body image. Exercise and physical activity can aid in overcoming these challenges. "They learn new abilities or improve their skills, such as increased strength, flexibility, or endurance," Kleinert notes. "The body is perceived positively, and a positive change is noticed, which increases self-worth."

Feeling Connected

Social withdrawals and feelings of isolation are frequent in depression patients. Exercise, particularly group activities, can help alleviate these issues, Kleinert explains. "Group activities like team sports, yoga, or joint fitness training promote a sense of community."

For those who might be hesitant to engage in team sports or group activities, there are other options that are equally effective.

The Most Effective Sports

In essence, any activity that involves movement can help combat depression. A British meta-study examined 218 randomized clinical trials with over 14,000 participants who suffered from depression and compared the effectiveness of various sports. The results indicated that walking, jogging, and yoga, especially when performed at higher intensities, delivered particularly significant benefits.

Endurance training has long been regarded as effective against depression due to its positive influence on neural changes, says Kleinert. Strength and fitness training, which focus on reinforcing one's body concept and observing visible progress, are likewise highly beneficial.

WHO advises healthy adults to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise weekly. These recommendations can serve as a guideline for treating depressive disorders or symptoms.

Crucially, the exercise form and activity chosen must bring joy and be practiced consistently. Regular involvement with a group and predetermined times can aid in maintaining this routine.

Medicinal products, such as antidepressants, are sometimes used in conjunction with physical activity and psychotherapy to treat depression. Engaging in regular exercise, like walking, jogging, or yoga, which have been shown to deliver significant benefits in a British meta-study, can also be considered as medicinal products in a metaphorical sense, as they help alleviate depressive symptoms effectively.

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