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Exchange urgently needed: The loneliness of freelancers

Alone at the desk

Always alone in front of your laptop? The work of freelancers can sometimes be quite
Always alone in front of your laptop? The work of freelancers can sometimes be quite

Exchange urgently needed: The loneliness of freelancers

No annoying bosses, no stressful colleagues, no fighting for the best vacation days: freelancers have it good, right? But the lack of a team can also have its downsides. What helps.

Freelancers know exactly why they are called "self-employed": Because they work "for themselves" and "all the time", at least that's a common saying. But with the advantage of being their own boss. However, being alone and on your own at work every day can also have disadvantages.

"The feeling of loneliness is a widespread phenomenon among freelancers. They face many challenges that permanent employees don't have," says Hamburg-based occupational psychologist Ragnhild Struss. These include not only administrative tasks that are normally handled by HR departments and accounting departments. For freelancers, everyday encounters in the office or the coffee kitchen are usually also eliminated. "Extraverted people in particular, who draw energy from contact with others, will find it difficult to be satisfied in their office alone in the long term," says the career consultant.

From the industry regulars' table to a shared office

But there are ways to socialize despite working freelance. Munich psychologist and professor of business psychology Florian Becker advises, for example, to attend targeted events and business coaching sessions for the self-employed and start-ups, such as those offered by universities or business associations.

According to Ragnhild Struss, industry get-togethers, workshops or network meetings, whether digital or analog in your own city, can also help you to network with people who are facing similar challenges. And they know what you're talking about. "In the best case scenario, you not only get practical tips, but also understanding. And you might even find new contacts for regular exchanges that enrich both sides." Last but not least, this also helps to cope with stress or feelings of loneliness, says Struss.

She also recommends the job crafting method, which allows anyone to design their job in such a way that it suits their personality particularly well. "Anyone who has discovered that they need contact with people - and not just via email or Zoom - in order to be motivated and happy at work can also actively provide company while freelancing," says Struss. For example, with a co-working workplace or a shared office where you can come together with others on a daily basis.

Maintain private contacts

For some people, contact with the outside world at work in public places such as a café or hotel lobby may be enough. And sometimes a lunch date or doing sport together after work is all you need. "As a freelancer, it's extremely important to be able to structure yourself well. This also applies to social contacts outside of work," says Struss.

But there are also freelancers who reach their limit at some point, who realize that they can't cope and constantly feel overwhelmed and lonely. "It's important to be able to let go," says Becker. "And to honestly admit how much longer I want to invest in something that probably has no chance of success."

There should be no reason for shame: "If you consider that around two thirds of freelancers give up their self-employment in the first few years, it is even normal for you to fail," says the professor of business psychology.

Back to colleagues?

Letting go can also mean taking time to reflect and perhaps going in a completely different direction professionally. For example, by using the knowledge and contacts you have acquired as a self-employed person and moving to a company.

Struss believes that you can also be happy again after returning to employment: "If you have a concrete idea of what you need to be satisfied with your job, you can work towards combining the advantages of freelancing and permanent employment in your new position." In practice, this could result in a mixture of office days including exchanges with colleagues, regular work from home and occasional team meetings after work.

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