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Exchange deadline expires: the rush is on

The baby boomers born between 1965 and 1970 have until mid-January to exchange their paper driver's license for a credit card format. The rush at the Hamburg authorities is huge.

Authorities - Exchange deadline expires: the rush is on

There is a lot to do at the State Transport Authority and the Hamburg district offices at the moment. This is because the next deadline in the long-term driving license exchange project is approaching: car and motorcycle drivers born between 1965 and 1970 who still have a paper driving license must have exchanged it for a new EU document in credit card format by 19 January 2024. This is currently causing an increased volume of applications at the Hamburg authorities. "The rush is great, but can be handled very well," Dennis Krämer, press spokesman for the transport authority, told the German press agency dpa.

Since 2020, 87,206 people have already exchanged their driving license. "In Hamburg, the exchange of driving licenses has gone very well so far. The State Transport Authority is well positioned and has been able to cope well with the volume of applications to date," said Krämer. The old paper driving licenses can also be exchanged at the city's seven district offices. A one-off visit is necessary due to legal requirements. In addition to their ID card, those affected must also bring a current, biometric passport photo. The processing time takes around four weeks in total.

All people born between 1953 and 1958 had to exchange their paper driving license for an EU card driving license by 19 January 2022. Those born between 1959 and 1964 had until January 19 of this year. Those born between 1965 and 1970 will have until January 19, 2024 to exchange. Those born in 1971 and later have until January 19, 2025 to exchange their license.

Information on exchanging driving licenses

Read also:

  1. Many motorcyclists in Hamburg are currently preparing to visit their local district office, as they have until January 2024 to exchange their old paper driving licenses for EU-compliant ones, in line with the long-term project initiated by the authorities.
  2. Municipalities across Germany are experiencing a surge in applications for driver's license exchange, including Hamburg, as the deadline for individuals born between 1965 and 1970 approaches, in accordance with European Union regulations.
  3. The Hamburg district offices and the State Transport Authority are collaborating to ensure a smooth exchange process for car and motorcycle drivers, as the deadline for obtaining a new EU driver's license expires in January 2024, as part of the long-term project.
  4. Motorcyclists in the EU, including those living in Hamburg, need to take action before January 2024 and visit their district office to exchange their old paper driving license for a new one that complies with EU regulations, in line with the long-term project implemented by the authorities.
  5. Motorists in Hamburg are urged to pay attention to traffic rules and regulations, as the authorities are busy handling the increased volume of applications for driver's license exchange due to the approaching deadline for individuals born between 1965 and 1970, a fundamental aspect of the long-term project that ensures correlations with European Union directives.


