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Exceptionally steep groundwater rises in the southwest

The rain also has something good: at the beginning of the year, above-average to high groundwater conditions prevail in Baden-Württemberg. And further groundwater rises are to be expected in the coming weeks, according to the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment (LUBW) in...

A groundwater measuring point of the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment (LUBW)
A groundwater measuring point of the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment (LUBW) stands on a meadow.

Environment - Exceptionally steep groundwater rises in the southwest

The rain also has something good: at the beginning of the year, above-average to high groundwater conditions prevail in Baden-Württemberg. And further groundwater rises are to be expected in the coming weeks, according to the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment (LUBW) in Karlsruhe on Wednesday. According to the experts, there is no threat of large-scale bottlenecks in the water supply for the time being.

According to the current report "Groundwater levels and spring discharges", the initial situation for the recharge of groundwater has been optimal since around mid-November. High soil moisture and above-average precipitation in December had caused exceptionally steep groundwater rises in all parts of the country. The soils are saturated with water and the seepage process is likely to continue in the coming weeks. According to the information, the situation in December 2023 was also significantly better than at the end of 2022, "although the recovery in the southern Upper Rhine and the High Rhine was more moderate than in the other parts of the state".

For its assessment, the LUBW compares the current situation with previous developments and draws up forecasts. According to a spokesperson, various factors are taken into account, such as soil moisture, meteorological data (temperature and precipitation), historical extreme values, the previous seasonal hydrological annual course of the measuring points with statistical trends and comparisons, groundwater recharge and climate projections.

Groundwater levels and spring discharges

Read also:

  1. Despite the heavy rain in the southwest of Baden-Württemberg, which has led to exceptionally steep groundwater rises, there is currently no threat of large-scale bottlenecks in the water supply, according to experts from the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment based in Karlsruhe.
  2. The current favorable environmental conditions, with optimal groundwater recharge since mid-November due to high soil moisture and above-average precipitation, are particularly evident in cities like Karlsruhe, located in the southwest of Baden-Württemberg.
  3. The wet weather in the southwest of Germany, including areas like Baden-Württemberg, has not only caused an increase in water levels but also resulted in high groundwater conditions, which is crucial for the region's overall environmental health and its delicate water ecosystem.


