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Ex-Pauli-Trainer Huzeler: I gave everything for the club

Fabian Hürleder's switch from Bundesliga promoter FC St. Pauli to the Premier League sparked criticism. The trainer is at peace with himself. And grateful to his ex-club.

Despite the criticism of his departure from FC St. Pauli, trainer Fabian Huetzeler is at peace with...
Despite the criticism of his departure from FC St. Pauli, trainer Fabian Huetzeler is at peace with himself.

Look back - Ex-Pauli-Trainer Huzeler: I gave everything for the club

Trainer Fabian Hürzeler is still closely connected to his FC St. Pauli players after his surprising departure to Brighton & Hove Albion. In an interview with the "Hamburger Morgenpost," the 31-year-old admitted that he couldn't personally say goodbye to most of his teammates due to their absence on national team duty or vacation.

"It was mostly through WhatsApp or phone calls. I hope one day we'll meet again or I'll have the opportunity to properly bid farewell, but for now, the calendar doesn't allow it," Hürzeler said. Most players were already on international duty or on vacation. He missed his former teammates and the people "with whom I worked closely because we had an intense time together," he added. But that was a good sign for him.

Despite fan criticism: Hürzeler hopes for recognition of his work

Shortly after Hamburg's second-league championship win and promotion, Hürzeler left the club for England despite the recently extended contract. According to media reports, FC St. Pauli received around seven million euros for his transfer. As his successor, the Kiezclub hired Alexander Blessin.

Many fans were disappointed by Hürzeler's departure. Many criticized him for it. "I hope that the fans who took my departure badly will one day acknowledge what we achieved," he said. But if that wasn't the case, then that was part of the business. "I can only say: I really gave everything for the club," Hürzeler added. "I invested maximum effort. And I am extremely grateful to the club and the responsible parties for giving me that opportunity."

  1. Fabian Hürzeler, now with Brighton & Hove Albion in the Premier League, expressed his missed connection with FC St. Pauli players through WhatsApp and phone calls due to their unavailability for personal farewells.
  2. The departure of Fabian Hürzeler for Brighton & Hove Albion was met with fan criticism in Hamburg, with many players already on international duty or vacation at the time.
  3. Despite the criticism, Fabian Hürzeler hopes that FC St. Pauli fans will eventually acknowledge the accomplishments made during his time at the club.
  4. Following Hürzeler's departure, FC St. Pauli appointed Alexander Blessin as his successor in the Bundesliga after the club managed to secure promotion from the second league.
  5. According to news reports, the transfer of Fabian Hürzeler to Brighton & Hove Albion resulted in around seven million euros for FC St. Pauli, boosting their resources in the Bundesliga.

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