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Evonik CEO warns of loss of prosperity due to AfD policies

The head of the chemical company Evonik warns of the dramatic consequences that AfD policies would have for Germany. He is one of the prominent faces at the protests against the AfD party conference.

Christian Kullmann, Chairman of the Executive Board of Evonik, speaks during the press conference.
Christian Kullmann, Chairman of the Executive Board of Evonik, speaks during the press conference.

AfD party conference - Evonik CEO warns of loss of prosperity due to AfD policies

The CEO of Essen chemistry conglomerate Evonik, Christian Kullmann, will draw attention to the dangers of nationalist politics for the economy during the protests against the AfD federal party conference in Essen this weekend. He told the "WAZ" (Wednesday) that everyone should be clear about "why this party exists and what it would mean for Germany: serious contradictions and dramatic economic losses." Kullmann will speak on the stage at the central rally against the AfD party conference on Saturday under the slogan "No Room for Hate and Hatred."

He understands that people feel unsettled by social upheavals, especially economically, said Kullmann. Germany is currently facing real economic problems. "The AfD reacts to this with a 'Things were better earlier,' back to the past, out of the European Union, exclude as many foreigners as possible, Germany for the Germans - that's as crass, simple-minded, primitive, and wrong as it gets. But it resonates where people long for control," said the Evonik CEO.

A longing for supposedly better past times helps no one. Evonik, with its 30,000 employees, operates worldwide. "What makes the success of such an enterprise? Liberalism and tolerance: no matter where you come from, no matter what skin color you have, what religion you follow, in what cultural circle you feel at home - here everyone is equal," emphasized Kullmann. This message must be clearly conveyed to people during the protests in Essen this weekend.

The AfD is holding its federal party conference this weekend at the Essen Grugahalle. Numerous organizations have announced resistance - there will be protests, demonstrations, and assemblies throughout the entire weekend. The police expect tens of thousands of participants and are preparing for a major deployment.

WAZ-Interview (paid content)

  1. Christian Kullmann, the CEO of Evonik, a Chemicals group based in Essen, Germany, will address the dangers of nationalist politics for the economy at the upcoming demonstrations against the AfD federal party conference in Essen this weekend, as reported by WAZ.
  2. Kullmann will speak on the stage at the central rally against the AfD party conference on Saturday, highlighting the potential economic losses and the reasons for the party's existence.
  3. Kullmann emphasizes that everyone should be aware of the implications of the AfD's policies, stating that they would lead to contradictions and significant economic losses for Germany.
  4. He acknowledges that people may feel uneasy due to social upheavals, but warns against the simplistic solutions offered by the AfD, such as returning to the past, exiting the EU, and exclusion of foreigners.
  5. Kullmann believes that the success of enterprises like Evonik, with its 30,000 employees worldwide, is rooted in liberalism and tolerance, where everyone is equal regardless of their origins, skin color, religion, or cultural background.
  6. The AfD party conference is being held this weekend at the Essen Grugahalle, and numerous organizations have announced their resistance, with protests, demonstrations, and assemblies planned throughout the weekend, expecting tens of thousands of participants.

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