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Evictions almost at previous year's level

The number of forced home evictions in Lower Saxony and Bremen has remained almost constant in recent years. In Lower Saxony, a total of 2288 apartments were forcibly evicted in 2022, according to an answer from the federal government to a question from the Left Party in the Bundestag, which...

The words "Prevent evictions" can be seen on the firewall of a residential building.
The words "Prevent evictions" can be seen on the firewall of a residential building.

Living - Evictions almost at previous year's level

The number of forced home evictions in Lower Saxony and Bremen has remained almost constant in recent years. In Lower Saxony, a total of 2288 apartments were forcibly evicted in 2022, according to an answer from the federal government to a question from the Left Party in the Bundestag, which was made available to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. A year earlier, there were 2285 cases there. In Bremen, there were 413 evictions last year and 455 in 2021. Rent debts are the most common cause of people losing their homes.

This putsLower Saxony in third place nationwide behind North Rhine-Westphalia with 8690 evictions and Bavaria with 2579 cases. In total, more than 27,300 homes were evicted in Germany last year. However, the federal government did not provide any information on the federal states of Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

"If the federal government does not act, even more people will lose their apartments and their homes, because rents will rise dramatically," said Caren Lay, the Left Party's housing policy expert. Every eviction is one too many.

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