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Every third nursing home in Saxony wasn't inspected in 2023.

In 2023, the local monitoring body for the municipal social organization visited fewer than one-third of Saxony's nursing homes. The response to a state parliamentary inquiry by the Ministry of Health revealed that only 212 facilities were checked. This represents approximately 30% of the total...

A resident of a nursing home is pushed along a corridor by a nurse.
A resident of a nursing home is pushed along a corridor by a nurse.

Community matters - Every third nursing home in Saxony wasn't inspected in 2023.

In 2023, problems were discovered in care facilities including construction errors, hygiene issues, medication handling, paperwork, and understaffing. Disciplinary actions were taken in 100 cases, some involving document submissions and others leading to employment bans.

The Left party's social worker, Susanne Schaper, expressed concern over the "alarmingly low" standards and called for an independent authority with sufficient resources to oversee all care homes annually. She warned that small mistakes and deficiencies could still occur due to staff shortages and financial stress, which make the job more challenging. Effective quality management is crucial for optimal care and satisfying working conditions for staff.

A spokesperson for the ministry reminded us that these data only apply to inspections in care homes for the elderly and disabled. Also checked are special living arrangements for people with disabilities and ambulatory care communities. In reality, the supposedly low inspection rate is somewhat offset. The number of detected violations in terms of personnel or paperwork actually increased in 2023 compared to 2022. The spokesperson also mentioned concerns from providers and service providers about the growing difficulty in finding caregivers, a problem exacerbated by a tight labor market.

Home inspections play a crucial role in ensuring high-quality care and suitable living conditions for care recipients. According to Social Minister Petra Köpping (SPD), these inspections ensure the residents are receiving proper care, and their needs are being met while ensuring their comfort. Regular, unnoticed inspections can uncover previously overlooked potential. As the demand for care continues to rise, it's important to ensure fair compensation and better working conditions for staff.

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In response to the low inspection rate in nursing homes, the Left party suggested establishing an independent authority with sufficient resources to annually oversee all care facilities in Saxony, such as nursing homes in Dresden. The concern arises from potential small mistakes and deficiencies due to staff shortages and financial stress, which can impact the quality of care provided. The necessity of effective quality management in care facilities, ensuring both optimal care for residents and satisfactory working conditions for staff, was emphasized.



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