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Europe's presence can be seen in various undertakings across Hesse.

During hiking trips or vegetable purchases, Europe may not cross your mind, but various initiatives in Hesse receive European Union financing.

A European flag flies against a blue sky.
A European flag flies against a blue sky.

European Parliamentary Elections - Europe's presence can be seen in various undertakings across Hesse.

Europe engages in various aspects of life in Hesse, from educational and scientific advancements to economic development and environmental protection. The influence of European regulations can be seen in numerous areas, including financial market regulations and even the Soil Traffic Directive. Hesse benefits from many initiatives brought about by EU funding, which is substantial and encompasses a variety of programs.

One such program is the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which allocated €249 million to Hesse for the 2021-2027 funding period. This money is just a portion of the available resources, as there are several other funds and programs in place. Let's explore some examples of these:


A group of seven talented Hessian researchers from Marburg, Frankfurt, and Darmstadt recently applied for almost €18 million in the current Advanced Grants call of the European Research Council (ERC). This competitive program facilitates basic research projects led by top scientists and research teams by providing grants of up to €2.8 million each, valid for up to five years.

European schools

A significant topic for the European election includes the European schools in Hesse. Established 32 years ago, the Hessian European schools initiative started with five comprehensive schools but has since grown to 34 institutions. The Ministry of Culture in Wiesbaden reported that more than 30 additional educational institutions in Hesse have expressed interest in becoming European schools. These institutions prioritize foreign language education and value student exchange.

Energy efficiency

Thanks to ERDF funding of approximately €1 million, the THM (Technical University of Middle Hesse) in Giessen has made use of previously undiscovered wastewater thermal potential at its campus. Within a year, an innovative wastewater heat recovery system was planned and installed, employing wastewater from the municipal sewer network. Pumped into a heat exchanger in the building, the wastewater's heat is then returned to the sewer.


In addition to Eu projects, the city of Rotenburg an der Fulda used ERDF funding worth around €95,000 to create the Waldkugelbahn, a project intended to attract walkers of all ages. Waldkugelbahn features wooden balls that can be purchased at vending machines and skillfully navigated through courses, interconnected with other tourist offerings.

Vegetable cultivation

Leveraging the EIP-Agri funding program, an innovative project was undertaken in Middle Hesse. This program links research and practice to foster innovative practices. A project focusing on efficient vegetable cultivation in a natural mulch system is an example of this, allowing potential reductions in soil water evaporation for even irrigated farms to grow field vegetables.

To facilitate direct planting in the mulch, a specialized planting machine will be developed. This project had a duration from January 2020 to August 2023 and received a €400,000 budget from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (ELER).

Read also:

  1. The European elections are an important event for Hesse, as the region is heavily influenced by the EU's policies and decisions in various sectors, such as education and energy efficiency.
  2. In the city of Wiesbaden, which is part of Hesse, the Ministry of Culture is actively engaged in promoting European schools, providing a multicultural educational environment for students.
  3. Manfred Pentz, a CDU politician from Hesse, has emphasized the need to defend European values and strengthen the EU in the upcoming European elections.
  4. Frankfurt, a major city in Hesse, is also home to various educational institutions that benefit from EU funding, like the Technical University of Middle Hesse, which recently received ERDF funding for an energy efficiency project.
  5. Nature conservation efforts in Hesse also receive significant support from EU funds, such as the LIFE program, which is dedicated to preserving and enhancing nature and biodiversity in the region.
  6. The CDU party in Darmstadt is organizing events and campaigns to encourage voter turnout in the European elections, emphasizing the importance of having a strong European presence in Hesse.
  7. Hesse has a diverse landscape with rich biodiversity, and EU funding plays a crucial role in the region's protection and enhancement of natural areas, such as the forests and wetlands near Marburg and Fulda.

