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European Football Championship in Brandenburg: Excitement Building for Caterers

Brandenburg residents eagerly await the commencement of the European Football Championship, despite no games occurring in the region. Events are still being organized.

Members of the press film and photograph the Olympic Stadium, which is decorated for UEFA EURO...
Members of the press film and photograph the Olympic Stadium, which is decorated for UEFA EURO 2024.

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Enjoying football in pubs or beer yards, residing in hotels: The energy before the Football European Championship can be found in the lodging and food establishment sector of Brandenburg. "We mix, the ambiance becomes cheerful," said Olaf Schope, president of the Hotel and Gasthouse Association (Dehoga) in Brandenburg, to the German Press Agency. "It unquestionably feels good." The event serves as a much-welcome break amidst a strained global political setting.

"The magnitude of such events is undeniably significant," highlighted Schope. Because the tournament is taking place in Germany, many tourists from other countries are also moving about. "Fans attend not merely for the match and depart," they come for overnight stays to Brandenburg, reaping the rewards of its proximity to Berlin. The eatery industry also benefits from additional revenue sources via festivities like Open Screenings.

Open Screenings in Potsdam and Frankfurt (Oder)

Several events are organized by private businesses, explained Schope. Beer gardens could be at full capacity in numerous locations with favorable weather. For instance, the opening game of Germany against Scotland will be displayed at the Lindenpark in Potsdam. The city itself will not put on any events, as a spokeswoman for the city guidance shaped out. An Open Screening is planned for the Luisenplatz in Potsdam.

Frankfurt (Oder) and Oranienburg have declared Open Screening events on the big screen. Frankfurt (Oder) intends to hold several Open Screenings at the Brunnenplatz in the city core in July. Robert Reuter from City Marketing estimates between 5000 to 8000 spectators for both semi-finals (July 9 and 10) and the final (July 14). The city next to the Polish boundary has created a comprehensive security strategy, which should be adjusted depending on which countries are playing against each other, stated Reuter: "We desire a peaceful football festival." The German-Polish comradeship should prevail.

Brandenburg's Premier Dietmar Woidke (SPD) plans to relax at home for the beginning, according to his remarks. He will view the German team's match at home after a busy day with a beer. The state authorities, per government spokesman Florian Engels, will not attend any matches of the Football European Championship with provided VIP passes, and a private visit to the stadium is not in the works.

Read also:

  1. The anticipation for the European Football Championship in Brandenburg is palpable in the hospitality and culinary sector, as individuals prepare to enjoy soccer matches in pubs and beer gardens.
  2. Olaf Schope, president of DEHOGA in Brandenburg, expressed excitement during an interview with the German Press Agency, stating that the atmosphere in beer gardens will be lively and cheerful.
  3. Brandenburg, located near Berlin, will benefit from the event, as tourists from other countries will visit for overnight stays, contributing to the revenue of the gastronomy industry.
  4. The city of Potsdam will host various Open Screenings, including one at the Luisenplatz, allowing fans to watch matches on a large screen, while Frankfurt (Oder) will organize several events at the Brunnenplatz.
  5. Brandenburg's state premier, Dietmar Woidke, plans to watch the German team's match at home with a beer after a long day, while the government has opted not to attend matches with VIP passes.
  6. Frankfurt (Oder) has implemented a comprehensive security strategy to maintain peace during the tournament, ensuring that Germans and Poles can enjoy the European Championship in a harmonious atmosphere.
  7. Private businesses, including beer gardens, will likely be at full capacity during the tournament, especially during matches like Germany versus Scotland, which will be broadcasted at the Lindenpark in Potsdam.
  8. The European Championship offers a momentary escape from the global political tension, allowing individuals to come together and appreciate soccer, beer, and German cuisine, as Germany prepares to welcome soccer enthusiasts from across Europe.



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