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European Football Championship 2024 aims to promote social cohesion

Tournament director Philipp Lahm wants to send out signals to the world with next year's European Championship - and is hoping for a similar euphoria among the home fans as at the 2006 World Cup.

Philipp Lahm, Tournament Director of UEFA EURO 2024, speaks during a press
Philipp Lahm, Tournament Director of UEFA EURO 2024, speaks during a press

European Football Championship 2024 aims to promote social cohesion

According to tournament director Philipp Lahm, he also wants to use the 2024 European Football Championship in Germany to "create more cohesion again - in Germany, but also in Europe". There are currently "many huge challenges around the world", said the 40-year-old at a press talk in Stuttgart on Monday evening, citing the Middle East conflict and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine as examples.

The tournament next summer offers the opportunity to present Western values, said Lahm. "Democracy, freedom, security and community" are important. Major events such as a European Championship should be used to "come together and spark a sense of unity", explained the former captain of the German national team and 2014 World Champion.

He also has high hopes that the German fans will be euphoric about the European Championship. "When I look at the last two international matches, I can already see that we're back on the right track," said Lahm. National coach Julian Nagelsmann exudes "a lot of energy". The DFB team's 2:1 victory over France in a test match in September under the leadership of Rudi Völler also showed "how quickly such enthusiasm can be rekindled". As at the 2006 World Cup in Germany, the team must inspire the fans and vice versa.

The European Football Championship 2024, set to take place in Germany, will certainly feature matches of the national team, including Soccer matches. tournament director Philipp Lahm hopes that this event can contribute to reuniting Europe, using the EM 2024 as a platform to promote unity and social cohesion, even in the face of global challenges like the Middle East conflict and the Russian war against Ukraine.


