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European City of Görlitz/Zgorzelec: Joint ticket arrives

More than 25 years ago, Görlitz and Zgorzelec declared themselves a European City. The cooperation is considered exemplary along the German-Polish border. A standardized transport tariff now connects the two twin towns.

Traffic - European City of Görlitz/Zgorzelec: Joint ticket arrives

The European City Ticket for Görlitz and the neighboring Polish town of Zgorzelec, which was introduced at the beginning of 2023, has proven itself in cross-border practice, according to the operators. "We are very satisfied with the positive development," said Görlitzer Verkehrsbetriebe (GVB) on request. According to the company, a total of almost 25,000 tickets have been sold in the first eleven months since the launch of the uniform fare, which is valid in the local transport networks of both cities. It is also possible to change to buses or streetcars on the other side of the German-Polish border.

The mayor of Görlitz, Octavian Ursu (CDU), called the introduction of the European City Ticket a "success story" that contributes to the further integration of the neighboring cities. The cross-national linking of the urban transport networks has a model character. "We also receive inquiries from other border towns time and again," said Ursu.

With the launch of the European City Ticket, the Görlitz transport company extended one of its bus routes to Poland at the beginning of 2023. Over the past year, an increasing number of passengers have been boarding and alighting at the four stops in Zgorzelec. This was revealed by passenger counts on several days of the week. The Deutschlandticket, which was introduced in May 2023, is also valid on the Europastadt line and is definitely a competing product. According to the transport company, the Europastadt ticket was nevertheless sold more than 2,500 times in June. This was the highest sales in one month to date.

A single journey on cross-border city transport costs 1.90 euros. The European City Ticket is also available as a daily, weekly and monthly ticket. According to GVB, there are two points of sale in Zgorzelec where the ticket can be paid for in zloty. In the future, it should also be possible to purchase tickets via an app.

European City Ticket

Read also:

  1. Octavian Ursu, the mayor of Görlitz, expressed his enthusiasm for the success of the European City Ticket at the turn of the year, stating that it contributes to the strengthening of the relationship between the German and Polish cities.
  2. The joint ticket, which allows seamless travel between Görlitz and its Polish neighbor Zgorzelec, has proved popular with travelers, with over 2,500 weekly and monthly tickets sold in June, even with the introduction of the Deutschlandticket as a competing product.
  3. Görlitz's transport company, GVB, extended one of its bus routes to Zgorzelec at the beginning of the year, and since then, an increasing number of passengers have used the four stops in Poland, especially during the festive season, hinting at the potential for even more cross-border traffic in the future.


