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Europe-wide strike against drug trafficking: arrest in NRW

During a police operation in several countries, 13 suspects are arrested - one of them in NRW. It's all about international drug trafficking.

One of the arrests is made in NRW in the Europe-wide crackdown on drug trafficking.
One of the arrests is made in NRW in the Europe-wide crackdown on drug trafficking.

Drug trafficking - Europe-wide strike against drug trafficking: arrest in NRW

In an international police operation against drug trafficking and money laundering, a man was arrested in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The operation was coordinated in six countries by Europol and Eurojust, with support from the State Criminal Police Office of North Rhine-Westphalia (LKA) and the Public Prosecutor's Office Düsseldorf, as the LKA announced. The location of the arrest was initially not disclosed. In total, 13 suspects were arrested, Eurojust reported. During house searches, several electronic devices, drugs, and money were found.

A criminal organization is suspected of smuggling large quantities of Cannabis and Cocaine across European borders and laundering the drug money, in part through Germany. The drugs were hidden in trucks and transported across Europe from Spain. Investigations against the group have been ongoing since the end of 2021.

According to Europol, half of all murder cases in Europe are related to drug dealing. Eurojust has observed a doubling of cases of cross-border drug trafficking since 2020. The members of the criminal network are believed to be from Germany, Italy, Albania, Spain, Belgium, and Ukraine, according to investigators. The group was dismantled as part of the operation. Eurojust is the EU agency for European judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

  1. The arrest in North Rhine-Westphalia was a significant part of the international operation against drug trafficking and money laundering in Europe.
  2. The man arrested in Germany was believed to be a key player in the criminal organization involved in drug smuggling and money laundering activities.
  3. The coordinated police action against drug trafficking and crime in Europe involved six countries and multiple agencies, including Europol and Eurojust.
  4. The LKA North Rhine-Westphalia and the Public Prosecutor's Office Düsseldorf played a crucial role in the operation, supporting the international effort against drug smuggling and money laundering.
  5. The criminal organization under investigation was suspected of transporting large quantities of drugs, including Cannabis and Cocaine, from Spain across Europe, using Germany as a transit point.
  6. During the police operation, several electronic devices, drugs, and large amounts of money were seized in multiple house searches, providing evidence against the suspects.
  7. The dismantling of the criminal network and the arrest of 13 suspects was a significant blow to drug trafficking and money laundering activities in Europe, according to Europol.
  8. The case underscored the importance of international cooperation in combating crime, especially drug trafficking and money laundering, which have become significant issues across Europe, as reported by Europol and Eurojust.

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