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Euroimmun founder Stöcker faces a fine of 250,000 euros.

Winfried Stöcker, a businessman, is currently facing trial for allegedly violating the German Medicines Act during a coronavirus vaccination campaign. The prosecutor's office is seeking a harsher penalty.

"Euroimmun" founder Winfried Stöcker (r) stands next to his lawyer Wolfgang Kubicki.
"Euroimmun" founder Winfried Stöcker (r) stands next to his lawyer Wolfgang Kubicki.

Due to the ongoing coronavirus vaccination drive, - Euroimmun founder Stöcker faces a fine of 250,000 euros.

Winfried Stöcker remains firm in his stance. "I genuinely believe I did a good thing back then," said the entrepreneur with certainty as he delivered his final statement in the trial concerning the administration of an unauthorized Corona vaccine injection. Considering the urgent situation during the pandemic, as a doctor, I felt compelled to help, Stöcker asserted in court on Monday.

The district court of Lübeck ordered Stöcker to pay 50 fines of €5,000 each, amounting to a total of €250,000, for distributing an unapproved Corona vaccine through a trial. He deliberately sold an unauthorized drug, violating the Medicines Act, remarked Judge Jörg Fricke in his verdict. The decision is not yet legally binding.

Stöcker organised a vaccine administration with his concocted vaccine "Lubeca Vax" at Lübeck Airport Blankensee, which he owns, during the Corona pandemic in November 2021. Since the vaccine was unauthorized, the event was treated as illegal.

A witness accounted for the atmosphere at the airport on Monday. "There was great demand for the vaccination," the 54-year-old described. "I'd heard about the event through word-of-mouth. We were told about the absence of approval, after which two doctors were vaccinated by Mr. Stöcker," she recalled. The vaccination was speedy, and she didn't encounter any adverse effects in the days following the injection, she said.

On the other hand, a 72-year-old witness mentioned significant adverse effects. "One of my friends, a retired doctor, had a brain venous thrombosis after the second injection," he shared. While there was no evidence proving the vaccine as the cause of the illness, the close correlation between the two events made it likely, he stated. He had later conveyed his anxiety to the Paul-Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which approves vaccines in Germany.

Several police officers who terminated the event testified about the uncooperative nature of the attendees. "There were feelings of dissatisfaction and on occasion, hostility," noted an officer. A female officer attested that she had observed the defendant transporting a white Styrofoam box from his car into the airport building. She was unaware of what was contained within the box, however.

Stöcker's legal counsel, Wolfgang Kubicki and Manfred Parigger, both from their respective locations, petitioned for his acquittal. "No evidence has been provided showing that our client created or combined the vaccine components in his lab," asserted Kubicki. "Moreover, no records confirm that he took the vaccination himself," he added. The prosecution sought a €10,000 fine for the defendant.

Read also:

  1. Despite the hefty fine of 250,000 euros imposed by the Local court in Lübeck, Winfried Stöcker, the founder of Euroimmune, maintains his belief in the rightfulness of his actions during the Coronavirus pandemic.
  2. In Saxony, a different legal battle is ongoing, as German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier fights a legal dispute over an AfD protest.
  3. The district court in Stöcker's hometown of Schleswig-Holstein handed down a verdict stating that the entrepreneur knowingly distributed an unauthorized Corona vaccine, resulting in a significant fine.
  4. The controversy surrounding Winfried Stöcker's "Lubeca Vax" vaccine continues, with reports of both positive and negative effects in recipients, sparking concern and investigation by authorities such as the Paul-Ehrlich Institute.



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