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EU postpones negotiations on artificial intelligence

The European Union has postponed its negotiations on rules for artificial intelligence (AI). The negotiators from the member states and the European Parliament want to continue the discussions on Friday morning, as EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton announced on Thursday in the...

Illustration on artificial
Illustration on artificial

EU postpones negotiations on artificial intelligence

The EU Commission under President Ursula von der Leyen first proposed a legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence in April 2021. If an agreement is reached, Europe would be a global pioneer. According to the Commission and the European Parliament, strict rules would apply to "high-risk applications" such as self-driving cars.

The major member states Germany, France and Italy had recently warned against strict regulations in order to avoid jeopardizing the development of this future technology. Digital and Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) appealed to the EU to take a coordinated approach internationally and "not to go it alone".

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