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EU opens accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova

The European Union is opening accession negotiations with Ukraine and neighboring Moldova. This was decided by the heads of state and government at their summit meeting in Brussels on Thursday, as EU Council President Charles Michel announced on the X online service. Ukrainian President...

Flags of the EU member states at the meeting venue in
Flags of the EU member states at the meeting venue in

EU opens accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) called the decision "a strong sign of support and a perspective for Ukraine", as he also wrote on X. Ukraine and Moldova were "part of the European family".

EU circles reported that the Hungarian head of government Viktor Orban had given up his blockade. However, this was only possible thanks to a face-saving trick, according to consistent sources: Orban was not in the room when the text was adopted. The procedure had been agreed with him.

Orban himself distanced himself from the summit agreement. In a video published on Facebook, he spoke of a "completely senseless, irrational and wrong decision". He had abstained from voting.

With the exception of Hungary, all member states had supported the opening of accession negotiations at the start of the summit. The decision required consensus among the member states. Orban had decided not to use his veto, said Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar. Luxembourg's Prime Minister Luc Frieden spoke of an "exceptional" approach, which was justified due to its geostrategic importance, but should not become the rule.

According to Michel, Georgia now has the status of a candidate country. The member states also want to start accession talks with Bosnia-Herzegovina as soon as the country meets the conditions. The EU Commission is to present a report on this in March. Michel spoke of a "clear signal of hope" for the inhabitants of these countries and for the European continent.

Moldova's President Maia Sandu welcomed the vote. "Today we feel the warm embrace of Europe," she explained. However, there is still hard work ahead for her country. Georgia's President Salome Zurabishvili spoke of a "monumental milestone" for her country. Like Ukraine and Moldova, the former Soviet republic of Georgia applied to join the EU in February 2022, shortly after the Russian attack on Ukraine.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen praised the "strategic decision". She explained that the member states were thus making history.

Negotiations on a 50 billion euro aid package for Ukraine continued at the summit in the evening. On his arrival in Brussels, Orban had announced that the economic aid was not being rushed. There was also haggling over a multi-billion euro increase in the EU budget framework until 2027. The funds are earmarked for external border protection and migration agreements with third countries, among other things.

Selensky had urgently warned the EU against a failure of the summit. Russian President Vladimir Putin would acknowledge this with a "satisfied smile", he said in a video call with the Europeans.

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