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EU law on artificial intelligence comes into force

On Thursday, the EU introduces the first legal framework for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The law bans applications that categorize people based on criteria such as skin color or religious beliefs. Police and security authorities can only use AI-driven facial recognition with a...

EU law on artificial intelligence comes into force

The new rules will come into effect gradually. The first bans will apply from February 2, next year, while the rules for commonly used AI systems, such as text and image processing, will apply from August 2, 2025. All other provisions of the AI Act will come into effect from August 2, 2026. Until then, the EU Commission is relying on a "AI pact" involving hundreds of companies for voluntary self-regulation.

The "AI pact" involves many companies in voluntary self-regulation, but enforcement might fall under the jurisdiction of the Police once the comprehensive AI Act comes into effect in 2026. If any violations of the new rules occur before then, they may need to be handled by national authorities, as the Police do not yet have specific AI-related responsibilities under the current voluntary regulation.

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